
Police warn motorists to stop endangering everyone during accident detour

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
February 15th, 2019

Local police are expressing fear and frustration as motorists forced to use Pass Creek Road as a detour (after a very serious MVI on Hwy 3A) abandon common sense and drive recklessly fast with no care for themselves, other motorists or local pedestrians/pets/children.

“Just slow down,” said Castlegar RCMP Cpl. Brett Turner. “That road is horrible and winding with poor visibility on a sunny summer day. It’s narrow, full of blind corners and steep hills, with no shoulders.

“Add in one of the biggest snowfalls of the year, and it’s a death trap.”

Even so, he’s getting multiple calls from motorists and residents saying vehicles are driving terrifyingly fast with little to no regard for the safety of anyone in the vicinity. One person described traffic as ‘the Indie 500’.

For those who think this behaviour will get them to their destination more quickly, it’s perhaps worth noting that causing an accident will cause a great deal more delay than slowing down a bit  – and may also compel an even longer detour.

“If there’s an another accident, we’ll be forced to detour traffic through Salmo,” Turner said.

Perhaps the most shocking aspect of having to issue this warning is that the detour was made necessary due to a very serious two-car collision that caused the closure of the much-safer Hwy 3A and Look-out Road at roughly 10:20 a.m., which should have underlined the hazardous driving conditions in the area.

As of 1:15 p.m., Highway 3A is still closed to traffic.

Motorists are urged to use Pass Creek Road as a detour only if absolutely necessary, and otherwise avoid travel toward Nelson until Hwy 3A is once again opened.

Police are anticipating a lengthy closure.

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