
Forum: State of the Kootenays: An Economic Update slated for next month in Castlegar

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
March 3rd, 2019

Castlegar & District Economic Development and the Chamber of Commerce will be hosting an exciting event on April 11. The event, titled the State of the Kootenays: An Economic Update, is Castlegar & District’s Economic Development’s first ever Economic Forum.

The event will be on April 11 from 6 – 8.30 p.m., with a keynote address from world-renowned Economist Helmut Pastrick from Central 1 Credit Union, followed by a panel discussion from leading members from the local Kootenay business community. If you are curious about the Kootenay economy, what’s happening in the future, and what are the opportunities and challenges that may impact our work in the future then this is an event for you.  

Registration is now open with attendees expected from the East and West Kootenay’s. Tickets can be purchased online at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/state-of-the-kootenays-an-economic-update-tickets-56608074274?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Tickets are $25 each. The ticket price includes a wine and cheese networking event and complimentary micro-brewery samples from Castlegar’s newest Micro-Brewery – Tailout Brewing.

Sponsorship opportunities are also available, with information available at https://caded.ca/state-of-the-kootenays.

The event will be held at the Sandman Hotel in Castlegar.

For more information please contact: Mark Laver, Economic Development Manager 250.304.8231 or edm@castlegar.com

Categories: Business


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