
Rice and Beans dinner next week to help send nursing students to Guatemala

By Contributor
April 7th, 2019

This coming May, a group of seven Selkirk College nursing students will travel to Guatemala for an international practice experience. Students partaking in this experience will develop a further understanding how of how community development and health are positively linked. The group will also learn how to address social issues such as poverty, inequality, discrimination and human rights violations.

The third-year nursing students will be the thirteenth group to head down to Guatemala and work with partner groups AMES Association of Women in Solidarity, Mayan People’s clinic of La Esmeralda, and the Cooperative of Nuevo Horizonte.

On April 12, the group will be holding a Beans and Rice dinner fundraiser to raise funds for the trip. The event will take place at the Rossland Legion in the downstairs area. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the dinner starts at 6 p.m. Entry is $15. There will be a short video presentation from fourth year students who went on the trip last year, a raffle, great conversation and an amazing traditional Guatemalan beans and rice dinner.

The support of our local communities has been the foundation for this practice experience. Come join us and help us bring a part of this community to the south.

Categories: Good News Sunday


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