
LETTERS: Castlegar can make a difference in the climate crisis

Rev. Greg Powell
By Rev. Greg Powell
July 8th, 2019

The current humanitarian crisis of migrants and refugees seems overwhelming. The sheer scale of the challenge leaves many feeling disempowered, sometimes resorting to racism or xenophobia.

This is only the beginning.

The best evidence suggests the climate crisis will continue to exacerbate the humanitarian crisis–as if an image of a drowned young father and infant daughter isn’t heart-breaking enough.

Castlegar has an unprecedented opportunity to be part of the solution. We are a small city, but we can be a strong city. We can be part of a model that can replicate across Canada and around the world.

Already, several communities from our area have taken a stand to be part of the climate solution, and Castlegar should join this effort and support other small Canadian municipalities. Enough small efforts add up to a global effort.

By 2050, we should stop using fossil fuels. It may happen sooner, given the way renewable technologies are progressing. We should play a proactive role in the transition to a fossil-free economy that works for more people. We should plan now for a world without cars and trucks that use gasoline and diesel. We should plan now for homes and public buildings that use net zero energy.

Committing Castlegar to be powered 100 per cent by renewable energy by 2050
(or sooner) is a step of which my children will be very proud one day soon.

Rev. Greg Powell


Categories: LettersOp/Ed


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