
Castlegar Air Cadets off to training camp

By Contributor
July 10th, 2019

Cadets from around Kootenay area headed out to various summer Cadet Training Centres (CTCs) early in the morning on July 7, 2019.  In attendance were members of the local 581 Castlegar Air Cadets. Cadets S. Corke, D. Johnson, X. Laird, and J. Warman who have been selected based on their attendance, behavior and other attributes that they have demonstrated throughout the cadet training year.

Cadet Training Camps are designed to offer cadets a chance to take part in a variety of activities, meet new friends and a chance to bring home a paycheck.

The cadet program is open to all youth between the ages of 12-18 years old with a focus on leadership, citizenship and healthy living. Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CastlegarCadets or our website at 581castlegaraircadets.ca for more information.

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