
581 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron to host public open house

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
August 13th, 2019

The local Castlegar Air Cadets will be hosting an open house Sept. 3, at the Kiwanis Hall located at 216 8th Ave, Castlegar.  The open house will run from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and will be open to the public interested in the cadet program.

This is an ideal chance for prospective cadet recruits to meet with current and former cadets, speak with officers and learn about the Air Cadet program and the opportunities it provides.

“This is a great program to install confidence and self-discipline. They meet new people, learn lots of great things, do things that they don’t normally do” according to Roxanne Batting whose son will be turning 17 in January and has been in Air Cadet Program since he was 12.

There are three branches of the Cadet program in Canada: Sea, Army, and Air.  While each Cadet program equally participates in teamwork and leadership training, Canadian military history, citizenship, drill, and physical activities.  The Air Cadets has a focus set heavily on aviation including power flying, gliding, aerospace, and outdoor survival. 

“I’ve been fortunate to have spent the past 8 years with the cadet unit.“ said OCdt K. Smith whose idea it was to organize the event to showcase the program, “and I’m so excited to share with the rest of the community what incredible activities, opportunities, and adventures the cadets I work with get to experience.  I hope to meet lots of new faces (that will hopefully turn into new cadets!)”

In addition to taking part in rewarding and challenging activities, Cadets can also earn credits towards high school graduation and even earn a pay check when attending various Cadet Training Centres (CTCs) during summer months.

The 581 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Cadets received its charter on October 29th, 1952 and continues to support all youth between the ages of 12-18 years old with a focus on leadership, citizenship, and healthy living.

For more information, you can visit their Facebook page at www.facebook.com/CastlegarCadets or our website at 581castlegaraircadets.ca.

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