
Community Futures hosts Operational Compliance 101 for Cannabis Producers

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
November 6th, 2019


Calling all Pot Growers.

Kootenay cannabis producers have been invited to attend a free workshop on operational compliance, offered by Community Futures Central Kootenay (CFCK) and the Vancouver-based developers of the CertiCraft software system for craft growers.

The session is set for Friday, November 15th from 4-7 p.m. at the Prestige Hotel in Nelson and will offer a deep dive into cannabis crop volume tracking and reporting.

“Community Futures Central Kootenay has been proactively supporting the Kootenay cannabis industry for the past year, offering free cannabis business support through workshops, as well as one on one business counselling,” said Paul Kelly, Cannabis Business Transition Initiative Manager with CFCK.

“We understand the economic importance of the industry and its employment implications for the region.”

According to Regional District data, there were more than 2,000 indoor/outdoor cannabis farms operating in 2018 in the Central Kootenay region.

However, when the government required growers move from the medical cannabis license regime to the new recreational license model, fewer than 50 made the transition.

Part of the challenge is the perceived complexity, and myths circulating around compliance for craft producers.

When entering the recreational market, cannabis producers must continually generate and store detailed seed-to-sale data on their crops. In addition to daily record keeping, monthly reporting to Health Canada is required to stay compliant and continue operating. 

To protect investing in a licensed facility and run a micro-cultivation operation profitably, growers need to understand and strictly adhere to these requirements. This reporting is required regardless of whether they are farming indoors, outdoors, selling to one licensed processor under contract, or to various processors.

To learn more about CFCK’s role in supporting cannabis business transition, visit www.futures.bc.ca or call 250-352-1933 ext. 113 to talk to a cannabis business counsellor. 

To register for the free workshop, Operational Compliance 101 for Cannabis Producers, visit cannabiscompliance.eventbrite.ca or call 250-352-1933 ext. 113. 

Categories: General
