
Castlegar Council Clips: City provides meeting highlights

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
February 20th, 2020

Committee of the Whole Meeting

  •   The City is committed to working toward 100-per-cent renewable energy by 2050 in all energy use sectors in the community, including heating and cooling, transportation, electricity, and waste management. To support this, Council is considering:

o   an e-bike/bike payroll deduction payment plan for staff and Councillors to encourage commuting and recreating in ways that reduce GHG emissions.

o   exploring Bylaw requirements for new residential builds to provide electrical outlets capable of meeting electric vehicle charging station requirements.

  •   Selkirk College’s Technology Access Centrerepresentative Jason Taylor presented on how the College is building technical expertise and specialized equipment to advance product design and develop commercial products and services. This includes world-class 3D printing and scanning, rapid prototyping and reverse engineering.


Regular Council Meeting

  • Castlegar’s 2018 Housing Needs Assessment called for a more diverse mix of housing. To support this, the City signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Habitat for Humanity Southeast BC that sets out the general terms of the City providing land for the construction of affordable housing.
  • Council committed to renewing an agreement with the Blueberry Creek Community School Society to use the Blueberry Creek Fire Hall space for operations and Search & Rescue.
  • To help set a respectful and participatory tone, Council updated the statement that is read prior to public question period during Committee of the Whole and Regular Council meetings.
  • The City has updated its Employee Use of City Vehicles Policy.
  • The City plans to implement the updated Water Conservation Plan and will continue ongoing efforts to reduce residential use with a Water Ambassador; meter all irrigated municipal parks; complete annual water audits and ensurr water losses are minimized; update water rates, as needed, to continue promoting water conservation; and regularly review tiered water rates and adjust them to meet financial and conservation goals.
  • As part of the City’s commitment to ensuring solid and sustainable civic infrastructure, Council endorsed a $2.95 million grant application for the South Sewage Treatment Plant which will allow for upgrades and improvements to the wastewater treatment process, reduce energy use, reduce operating costs, and guard against odour formation.

Categories: General
