
City of Castlegar Reopens Additional Facilities

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
June 6th, 2020

The City is reopening its playgrounds, public washrooms and sani-dump station as it continues with its COVID-19 phased reopening plans.

City playgrounds were closed March 23 as a result of COVID-19 and public health guidance. Park washrooms and the City’s sani-dump station were not opened for the season for the same reasons. The City has been coordinating with local and regional governments to determine the appropriate timing for reopening playgrounds.

The reopening includes:

  1. Playgrounds at Millennium Park & Ponds, Kinnaird, Kinsmen, Sewchhuck Subdivision, Twin Rivers and 9th Avenue.
  1. Public washrooms at Millennium Park & Ponds, Kinnaird and Kinsmen Parks.
  1. Sani-dump station (with potable water) located at the Castlegar Visitor Centre at 1995 6th Avenue.

The Kinsmen Splash Park and the Millennium Ponds will remain closed at this time.

Residents are asked to use caution when visiting these facilities and continue working to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by following the provincial health guidelines by:

  • staying home if you’re feeling unwell
  • practicing physical distancing by keeping at least two metres space from others
  • washing your hands thoroughly and bringing hand sanitizer with you
  • avoiding touching your face
  • coughing or sneeze into your elbow or tissue
  • limiting use at busy times and do not create crowds
  • considering wearing a non-medical mask

The City has installed COVID-19 signs at facilities that are reopening.

View more information on the City’s response to COVID-19, visit castlegar.ca/covid19.

The City of Castlegar is a service centre in the West Kootenay. The diversified and growing economy is focused on the forestry, energy and mining sectors in the valley, and commercial services in the City. Quality of life features backcountry adventure and an increasingly dynamic urban culture, including the Millennium Park & Ponds and Sculpture Walk.

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