
Seeking Cannabis Experts and Supporters for Economic Development Task Force

By Contributor
August 31st, 2020

The Community Futures Central Kootenay Cannabis Business Transition Initiative is pleased to announce the launch the Cannabis Economic Development Task Force.

For decades, the cannabis industry has been a resilient part of the Kootenay economy, culture, and agriculture sector. The task force seeks to build on this legacy and develop the economic potential in the region.  

Economic development opportunities include:

  • Identify areas for policy change that lower barriers for those seeking a federal licence to produce or process cannabis;
  • Develop a regional brand that conveys both the geographic origin and the regional characteristics that have already garnered an enthusiastic following;
  • Influence the development of organic standards and certification for cannabis; and,
  • Enable networking and conversations that foster collaborations and increase opportunities for Kootenay cannabis producers.

The Cannabis Economic Development Task Force will include industry representatives, local government, economic development organizations, and those directly involved in the sector, including cultivators and processors.

The Cannabis Economic Development Task Force will be selected through an application process that considers location, and diversity of voices and perspectives. This task force will have the most impact when its decisions and priorities are built on direct experience of the sector and robust conversations.

If you want to help the local cannabis sector thrive and have the relevant experience, please apply to join the Cannabis Economic Development Task Force by September 21st, 2020. Visit futures.bc.ca/cannabis-task-force for the application. Questions can be sent to cannabis@ckfoodpolicy.ca.

About the Cannabis Business Transition Initiative

Funded by the Government of BC’s Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, the Cannabis Business Transition Initiative provides free business supports to Central Kootenay individuals entering into or transitioning to the recreational cannabis market.

Categories: Business


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