
Suspicious men approach 11-yr-old, police issue warning and safety tips

Trail Champion
By Trail Champion
September 9th, 2020

On Sept. 4, at 1:30 p.m. the Trail and Greater District Detachment RCMP received a report about a suspicious occurrence where two males in their 20s driving an older white single cab truck offered a ride home to an 11-year-old girl on Cedar Avenue, in Fruitvale. The girl refused the offer and the males drove away without further incident. The girl informed her parents about the incident who reported it to the RCMP. RCMP conducted patrols but did not locate the males or truck.

The RCMP commended the girl for her actions in this situation.

As the school year is beginning, the RCMP would like parents to take the time to speak to their children about their safety in the public and what to do if they are approached by a stranger. Please remind children not to accept rides, gifts, or invitations from strangers and to report all incidents immediately to a responsible adult.

Additionally, please consider the following helpful tips for children who will be walking to and from school:
  • Choose a safe and direct route to school and walk it as a family before school starts. Talk about the possible hazards found along the way and how to manage or avoid them.
  • Encourage children to sidewalks whenever possible or walk facing traffic if there is none.
  • Encourage children to use crosswalks and look both ways before the cross the street.
  • If possible, identify safe houses (like a relative or friend) or locations along the route that children go to for help if needed.
  • Always wait for traffic to completely stop before crossing the road.
  • If possible, walk to school with friends or family in a group. There is safety in numbers and it is a lot more fun!
  • If your child rides a bike, please make sure she/he wears a properly fitting helmet, the bike is in good working order, and she/he know the rules of the road. Always ride with traffic, obey all traffic rules, and signal turns and stops.

Categories: Crime
