Less than two weeks to pay property taxes without penalty
A reminder that Septt. 30 is the final day to pay property taxes without incurring a 10 per cent penalty.
Taxes were due by July 2, but the City extended penalty deadlines to provide property owners extra time to pay as part of its response to providing financial relief to residents during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The City recommends taking advantage of the online options this year to support physical distancing and ensure the safety of our community. Options for paying taxes include:
§ online through financial institutions;
§ online via credit card (please note there is a 2.5% fee charged by the provider);
§ depositing a cheque in the drop box outside City Hall;
§ mailing a cheque; or
§ paying in-person at City Hall, respecting COVID-19 protocols.
For more information about property taxes and payment options or to pay online via credit card, visit castlegar.ca/propertytaxes.
The City of Castlegar is a service centre in the West Kootenay. The diversified and growing economy is focused on the forestry, energy and mining sectors in the valley, and commercial services in the City. Quality of life features backcountry adventure and an increasingly dynamic urban culture, including the Millennium Park & Ponds and Sculpture Walk.