RDCK Board Highlights - May 2021
Kirk Duff appointed to the RDCK Board of Directors
Kirk Duff, the newly elected Mayor of Castlegar, has been appointed to the RDCK Board of Directors. The Board ratified the decision based on the recommendation from the City of Castlegar. Councillor Dan Rye, who previously represented the City of Castlegar on the Board, has been appointed as the Alternate Board Director for the two-year term ending November 30, 2022.
RDCK supports recreation programming in Nakusp
The Board approved the RDCK enter into a contribution agreement with the Village of Nakusp for the purposes of funding a recreation program for one year from June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2022. The goal of the funding (up to $10,000) will be used to increase recreation programming and encourage the use of recreation facilities in the area.
Alternative Approval Process not approved for Erickson Water Service Loan Authorization
Elector approval was not obtained in the Alternative Approval Process for the Erickson Water Service Loan Authorization Bylaw. If adopted, the bylaw would have approved the borrowing of $3,729,100 to install universal metering for water demand management and complete the distribution upgrades of the water line replacement to the Erickson water system. The staff will now review potential next steps, including the possibility of a referendum to determine the direction the community wants to take with the water system upgrades.
Riondel and District Curling Club takes over ownership of ice plant from the RDCK
The Riondel and District Curling Club has taken over ownership of the ice plant located at the Riondel Curling Club. The Board approved the sale of the ice plant to the curling club who previously signed a long-term lease agreement to operate the RDCK facility. The transfer of ownership assigns the responsibilities for operating and maintaining the ice plant to the club, as well as ensuring long term sustainability of curling in Riondel, while managing RDCK risks.
Columbia Basin Trust – Community Initiatives Program/Affected Areas Program Grant Funding
The Board approved the 2021 Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Area Program (CIP/AAP) grant funding. A total of $1,488,018 in funding will be allocated to 265 different project proposals. CLICK HERE for a complete list of all the recipients of CIP/AAP funding. The programs support local projects that provide additional value to Basin communities, and that benefit the broad community and public good.
Housing Action Plan – Next Steps
Safe, affordable and inclusive housing is a major concern across the RDCK. Last year, the RDCK completed a regional housing needs assessment. The report describes the current and anticipated housing needs throughout our communities. The next step is to implement the assessment which will identify what is happening and who it is happening to as far as our housing needs. As a result, the Board is directing staff to pursue various options to support affordable housing in our region, including:
· Zone and incentivize infill (permitting properties to have flexible housing, i.e. secondary suites and to determine where infill housing can be further supported)
· Support not for profit housing providers (find out how local government can support their efforts)
· Facilitate non-market development or underutilized or vacant land (provide land or facilitate land transfer to non-profit developer to develop affordable housing)
· Create a housing action plan (translate housing needs within the community into solutions)
· Investigate housing authorities (creating a housing organization can help provide and manage non-market housing stock that is for rent or purchase)
East Shore Connectivity Project
The Board awarded Columbia Basin Broadband Corporation the contract for project management services related to the East Shore Connectivity Project. This project, which will start immediately, will connect the East Shore of Kootenay Lake that either had no or low access to high speed internet. A fibre optic infrastructure will be deployed throughout the communities of Wynndel, Riondel, Boswell and the Electoral Area A region. High speed internet will help to connect residents, enable businesses to remain competitive in a global economy, and support education.
New fibre optic link to be installed at Passmore Fire Hall
The Board accepted the proposal from Columbia Wireless to install a fibre optic link at the Passmore Fire Hall. The new link up will help to provide better service to residences and businesses up the Slocan Valley as Columbia Wireless builds out its fibre optic backbone. This new link up will improve emergency communications at the Passmore Fire Hall, while also increasing connectivity and reliability to the entire Slocan Valley, benefiting businesses and those residents working from home.
Discretionary Grant
Alice Sliding Water Society – Future Water Study $1,000
Creston Valley Forest Corporation – Goat Mountain Tipping Fees $1,000
Creston Valley Rod & Gun Club – Backcountry Safety Outreach $500
Duck Lake Dyking District – Repair of Duck Lake Road $900
Slocan Park Community Hall Society – Slocan Park Ballfield Improvements $1,000
Community Development Grant
Crawford Bay Elementary School – Teepee Purchase $3,000
Creston Valley Beef Association – 8 Weather Station Purchases $5,000
Kaslo Disc Golf Club – All Yew Need Baskets $2,500
North Kootenay Lake Community Services Society – Waste Collection Feasibility Study $1,400
Lardeau Fire Prevention Association – Portable Water Tank $2,000
Lardeau Valley Opportunity Links Society – Agriculture Projects $40,000
Balfour Recreation Commission – Administrative Support Staff $8,000
Nelson & Area Friends of the Family – Monetary Aid for Medical Treatment for Children $2,000
Nelson & District Arts Council – ArtWalk and Mural Fest $2,000
Cycling Without Age – Trishaw Rides $1,000
Salmo & District Arts Council – Community Theatre Project $1,000
Salmo Ski Club – Ski Club Improvements $5,000
USCC Union of Youth – Technology Initiative Project $5,000
Coutts Creek Watershed Preservation Society – 2021 Expenses $500
Pass Creek Neighbourhood Association – AED for Community Hall $2,500
USCC Union of Youth – Technology Initiative Project $5,000
Cops for Kids – Offset Medical Costs $2,000
USCC Union of Youth – Technology Initiative Project $5,000
Kaslo Racquet Club – Shed Repair and Landscaping $2,500
Victorian Hospital of Kaslo Auxiliary Society – Thrift Store Improvements $4,000
Village of Kaslo – Bear Hazard Assessment $2,450
Village of Kaslo – Kaslo Investment Attraction Lands $10,000
Village of Kaslo – Front Street Washroom and Performance Stage $15,000
Village of Kaslo – Castlegar Sculpture Walk $1,525
Kinship Connection Society – Three Picnic Tables