
Weekly Update: Columbia Avenue Redevelopment Project - Phase 2

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
May 28th, 2021

The contractor took a well-deserved long weekend break from construction. Flaggers were in place on Friday and Monday to help with long weekend traffic. Over the last week, work focused on water testing and the installation of bases for banner poles and signs and electrical ducting for lights and landscape architecture.

Next week, you can expect to see:

  • Excavation to build up the final road structure starting at 21st Street, heading south;
  • Removal of old gas mains between 22nd and 23rd Street;
  • Storm main installation on the west side from 22nd Street, heading south;
  • Water main testing between 23rd and 24th Street;
  • Curb preparations from 21st Street, heading south;
  • Shallow utility installation (FortisBC electrical, Telus, Shaw) between 23rd and 20th Street; and
  • FortisBC upgrading gas services.

As Copcan completes the last of the water main work, residents around the construction zone may experience low water pressure. Residents that will experience water outages have been notified.


With the good weather, traffic volumes are increasing. The flaggers are working hard to keep traffic flowing but you may experience slightly longer waits. Please be patient and courteous to others on the road.

Drivers are asked to avoid blocking driveways to homes and businesses and entrances to Ambulance and Fire Halls to ensure timely response to emergencies.

Did you know?

  • The finished sidewalks will have 9 new sculpture pads to extend Sculpturewalk to the south end of the City. Residents and tourists will be able to explore the art on foot and bike for close to five kilometers!

Categories: General


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