
65 active wildfires in Southeast Fire Centre

Province of British Columbia
By Province of British Columbia
July 31st, 2021

The wildfire situation is continually evolving, and the information below is current as of 7 p.m. (Pacific time) on Friday, July 30, 2021.

For real-time updates on evacuation alerts and orders, visit: https://twitter.com/EmergencyInfoBC

For the latest wildfire information, visit: www.bcwildfire.ca


  • Wildfires burning in B.C.: 241
  • Since April 1, 2021:

    • 1,261 wildfires
    • 470,784 hectares of area burned
  • Active fires by fire centre:

    • Cariboo: 38
    • Coastal: 4
    • Kamloops: 81
    • Northwest: 4
    • Prince George: 49
    • Southeast: 65


  • Personnel:

    • BC Wildfire Service: 2,073
    • B.C. contractors: 1,165
    • Out of province: 297
  • Aircraft (fixed and rotary):

    • B.C.: 202
    • Out of province: 0
  • Fireline heavy and mobile equipment: 508


  • Evacuation orders: 60 
  • Evacuation alerts: 97 (+5) 
  • Properties:

    • Number of properties on order:  3,120 (+62) 
    • Number of properties on alert: 18,835 (+144) 
  • Orders and alerts by Emergency Management BC region:

    • Vancouver Island Central Coast: 0 orders, 0 alerts
    • Northwest: 0 orders, 1 alert
    • Northeast: 1 order, 12 (+1) alerts
    • Central: 53 orders, 74 (+6) alerts
    • Southeast: 6 orders, 8 alerts
    • Southwest: 0 orders, 2 alerts

Supports available:

Categories: General


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