
Nelson Police investigating threat to blow up Nelson Cares building

Lone Sheep Publishing
By Lone Sheep Publishing
October 4th, 2023

Nelson Police have started an investigation after threats were made to blow up a building in the Heritage City.

In a media release Tuesday, Nelson Police said investigation began after Stepping Stones staff received a threat that a suspect was going to have the Nelson Cares building and The HUB blown up.

“The suspect was known to staff,” Nelson Police said in the media release.

“The suspect, a male in his 40’s, was spoken to by police as well as staff at Stepping Stones and warned for his threats.”

The Coordinated Access Hub is operated by Nelson Cares at 521 Vernon Street in Nelson.

The space is open to the public as a safe place to relax and have a snack, coffee or cold drink.

Some of the services provided out of the Hub are:

  • Harm reduction supplies and episodic Overdose Prevention Site (e-OPS)
  • Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) / Safer Supply consultations and intakes
  • Health services (including ear acupuncture and street nursing)
  • KCDS PEERS Employment Program
  • Coordinated Access to Housing

Nelson Police said that no arrests have been made and the file remains open.

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
Categories: CrimeGeneral


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