
End of Season for WildSafeBC in Castlegar

By Contributor
November 28th, 2023

The bears are getting ready to hibernate for the winter, as is the WildSafeBC Castlegar Program. WildSafeBC’s goal is prevent conflict with wildlife through education, collaboration and community solutions.

Your local coordinator, Tara Pejski, has been working with the community to prevent negative outcomes for wildlife and for people by providing wildlife information and conflict-reduction strategies to residents, visitors, and the business community. Education outreach has included attendance at community events, door-to-door canvassing, wildlife awareness and safety presentations, bear spray workshops, and WildSafe Ranger presentations in schools. In September, we held a special BC Goes Wild event at Syringa Provincial Park where families were encouraged to identify wildlife attractants (expected and unexpected) that are commonly found in campsites. Please view our year-end report, scheduled to be released by early January on our website, https://wildsafebc.com/, to learn more about
what we were able to accomplish this year.

While the bears may be soon in their dens, there are some that remain active in our community. There are also many other animals that do not hibernate, and it is very important to continue to manage attractants (garbage, organics, pet food, livestock) appropriately. We encourage everyone to become more familiar with the wildlife that may be passing through Castlegar this winter. Please report sightingsof bears, wolves or cougars in urban/residential areas, or wildlife in conflict, to the Conservation OfficerService at 1-877-952-7277.  Please visit https://wildsafebc.com/ and follow our Provincial Facebook and Instagram pages for updates, tips, and other information to assist you in keeping wildlife wild and your community safe!

WildSafeBC Castlegar is grateful for the generous support the program receives from its funders including The City of Castlegar, Columbia Basin Trust, the Regional District of Central Kootenay, the British Columbia Conservation Foundation and the Province of BC.

Categories: EducationGeneral


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