
City population surges back up after downward dip

Timothy Schafer Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
By Timothy Schafer Local Journalism Initiative Reporter
February 28th, 2024

A downward trend in population growth has been reversed for the Heritage city as Nelson recorded its first increase in two years.

For 2023, Statistics Canada reported in February 2024 that Nelson saw a 1.3 per cent increase in population — from 11,562 to 11,716 — after reporting a decrease in residents from 2021-2022 (0.8 per cent).

During that time Nelson was the only Central Kootenay community to have a decrease in population.

Overall in the Regional District of Central Kootenay — of which Nelson is its largest community — the regional district is still largely rural, with over half of the residents living in the country and outside municipalities. There were 34,767 people living in the electoral areas, a 2.6 per cent increase, while the overall RDCK population was 66,756, an increase of 2.4 per cent over the year.

Slocan led the growth parade with an 8.4 per cent increase in population — from 308 to 334 — while the nation’s second smallest municipality, Silverton, saw a 4.3 rise in population, from 208 to 217.

Creston had a 2.6 per cent increase in population, Castlegar enjoyed a rise of 2.5 per cent — from 8,819 to rising over 9,000 to 9,042 — and three communities grew by 2.4 per cent: Salmo; Nakusp; and Kaslo. New Denver bumped up by nine people in 2023, giving it a 1.8 per cent increase.

Over in the Kootenay-Boundary the rate of population growth was fairly consistent, with Greenwood the highest at 2.8 per cent, followed by Trail (2.6 per cent), Rossland (2.4 per cent), Warfield (2.2 per cent), Grand Forks (2.1 per cent) and Montrose (two per cent). Fruitvale (1.5 per cent) and Midway (0.1 per cent) rounded out the communities.


Central Kootenay population, 2011-2023

                          2023                2011                % inc.

Castlegar         9,042               7,967               12

Creston            5,892               5,341               9.4

Kaslo               1,069               1,050               1.8

Nakusp            1,762               1,585               10.1

Nelson             11,716             10,442             10.9

New Denver    520                  491                  5.6

Salmo              1,437               1,171               18.5

Silverton         217                  198                  8.8

Slocan             334                  299                  10.5

Rural               34,767             30,826             11.4

  • In 2011, the RDCK population was recorded at 59,367.

Source: Statistics Canada


Kootenay-Boundary population, 2011-2023

                          2023                2011                % inc.

Fruitvale          2,112               2,045               3.2

Grand Forks    4,447               4,039               9.2

Greenwood     730                  703                  3.7

Midway           738                  668                  9.5

Montrose         1,097               1,039               5.3

Rossland         4,390               3,631               17.3

Trail                8,480               7,772               8.4

Warfield          1,881               1,669               11.3

Source: Statistics Canada

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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