
KAAP'S Adorable Adoptables: BD and Nina

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
May 6th, 2024
BD and Nina came to KAAP  together from less than ideal circumstances.   They would do much better being adopted together, so we would like to see them go as a pair as they are very bonded.  They have lived with a dog before so would likely be fine around a cat-smart dog. They are on the timid side, but primary aged children and up *may* be okay, read on below. Both these kitties are on a special diet from the vet for their sensitive stomachs, they should continue with their special diet once in their new home to help avoid any GI upset at least for some time. Potential adopters should be okay with the potential of them being on this diet for life.
BD is going to be a very, very rewarding cat for one lucky household. It took him several days to come out of hiding and he was very flinchy and scared of being touched when he first came into foster. Fast forward a few weeks and he was looking for cuddles on foster mom and dad’s laps! As time goes on in foster he just opens up more and more and we know he will provide so much warmth to his new home. He has absolutely melted his foster parents’ hearts. BD is essentially a big softie, doesn’t seem have a mean bone in his body, he’s  just scared. He’s definitely got skills though with the toy mice though and he loves to run around and wrestle with his sister Nina. After some play time he is content for some naps and is overall a mellow fellow. BD needs a  large sized litter box ( foster home uses a rubbermaid container) and clay litter to prevent any accidents outside the box.   Of course with 2 cats you should have 2 litter boxes, but he is particular about having a large box.
This pretty young lady loves to chirp and meow and will just purr up a storm with one pet. She can be braver than BD in new situations, but interestingly is taking longer to get into her cuddle groove. She has enjoyed snuggling up to foster mom on some occasions, and it seems like she really wants to because she will always come and say hello. She is interested in what’s going on and enjoys a good run around especially with BD. On the other hand, it’s not uncommon to find her napping in one of the cat baskets or up on the cat tree either, so she’s overall pretty mellow too.
As mentioned above, these cats *may* be okay with children as long as the adults in the household are committed to a smooth transition, but they would prefer an adult ( or much older children) home with less noise and activity. Especially BD gets very scared in new situations and will hide, this should be considered for any meet and greets too. Overall, they would do best with a quiet household with cat-smart humans.Whatever their new house, they will likely need at least a few days to settle in, and ideally if they can have their own “safe zone” in a home (spare room?) for a bit to get used to new everything, they should flourish.
The kitties have been vet checked, vaccinated (twice) dewormed, spayed/neutered and microchipped.  They are currently on a vet-recommended diet as they had some tummy troubles when they came to us.
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