

New Denver hosts Convergence Writers' Retreat in May

Disputed oil pipelines, the Occupy movement, threats to Canada’s pension system: in a time of expanding public attention to social issues, a writers’ retreat in New Denver May 11-13 will consider writing that focuses on social justice. The Convergence Writers’ Retreat will offer three talks/discussions on aspects of social change writing, three writing workshops on […]

Local film maker featured at upcoming festival

The work of local film maker, Nik Green, will be one of the featured films at the upcoming documentary film festival in Grand Forks. Along with his feature, Rebuild filmed in Nova Scotia, Green’s last year has been filled with shooting footage in the Boundary for three other films.  Two of the films are promotional […]

Touchstones hosts Forest for the Trees exhibit

Touchstones Nelson’s upcoming exhibition,Forest for the Treesbrings together four regional artists whose work explores our relationship with the natural landscape. The exhibition will include sculpture, installation, painting and photography. First Nations spiritual beliefs are explored in Barbara Maye’s investigation into the life stories of trees and Tanya Pixie Johnson’s mixed media works which examine the […]

Arts, culture and heritage grant writing workshops applications now being accepted

To assist those interested in applying for Arts, Culture and Heritage Program grants from Columbia Basin Trust (CBT), Krista Patterson and Natasha Smith of the Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance (CKCA) will present workshops on how to apply and what to expect from the application process. CBT’s Arts, Culture and Heritage grants are managed and administered […]

Lions Club calls on Chamber of Commerce to explain eviction

Letter to the Editor: Last Thursday, four of the Lions executive waited for our turn to visit the Chamber of Commerce board meeting. In the closed meeting of the chamber board, a discussion of how to proceed with the eviction of the Lions Club. For 41 years, the Castlegar-Selkirk Lions have been involved in Castlegar. Shopping...

ELECTRIC GRAPEVINE: Movies to remember and some to forget

 Having had three weeks to digest what was 2011 I can begin my annual look at the best and worst films by examining the bookends which are Drive and The Tree Of Life.In the awful words of The Rock in Fast Five, "You know I like my dessert first," so I'll start with Drive. Drive is perhaps one of the best films I have seen...

John McKinnon's Ice Sculpture Goes Up In Flames

One of Nelson sculptor John McKinnon’s creations was destroyed by fire recently. But the flames were part of the piece. His Fire and Ice Tower was part of the High on Ice Festival in Fort St. John earlier this month.  McKinnon and the rest of the West Kootenay ice-carving team (Denis Kleine, David Ducharme, Peter […]

Ski Bum musical comes to Capitol Theatre in Feburary

It doesn’t matter if you’re a musical buff, ski bum, ski buff, or musical bum, ‘Ski Bum: The Musical’ is a fast-paced, shredding good time for the whole family.  Iron Mountain Theatre (I.M.T.) is proud to present  the return of their smash hit: ‘Ski Bum: The Musical’  on Thursday, February 9 at  8 p.m. in […]

No asbestos risk at Complex

  The following is a press release issued by recreation manager Jim Crockett:   During the boiler upgrade of the Aquatic Centre, a four-inch hole was cut into the exterior wall. At this point vermiculite, a common insulating material, was found inside the wall. As vermiculite is known to be cross contaminated with asbestos,...

Shop Local campaign kicks off across Castlegar

 Castlegarians will be hearing “Shop Local” a great deal in the coming months, as all four of the city’s major media outlets embark on a shop local campaign spear-headed by the Castlegar and District Chamber of Commerce (CoC), and funded by the Heritage Credit Union. The campaign, according to CoC executive director Pam McLeod,...