

City of Nelson ushers in Level Four water restrictions

Nelson Mayor Deb Kozak said in a media release that despite the recent wet weather, the City of Nelson is moving to Level Four water restrictions effective Friday, September 11. The decision comes after weather models forecast a drier, warmer fall and winter for the Southern Interior. “We all need to chip in on this,” Mayor...

BC residents shell out $102,000 for BC Wildfire victims

In the wake of raging wildfires, BC Liquor Stores’ customers and employees came together to help support Red Cross relief efforts for victims of the recent Rock Creek and Oliver wildfires to the tune of almost $102,000. To help support South Okanagan community members forced from their homes and starting from nothing following...

Cooler temperatures help Southeast Fire Centre tame wildfires

The Southeast Fire Centre said sustained and persistent work by firefighters, cooler temperatures and significant precipitation have reduced wildfire activity in many areas of the district. "The fire danger rating in most of the northern part of the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction is now “very low”, while most of the...

As many as 7 candidates in upcoming election; Rhino Party a possibility

The slate of contenders for South Okanagan-West Kootenay MP seems to be increasing rapidly as the filing deadline (Sept. 28) approaches. Although the Elections Canada website only shows three hopefuls so far, at least three more have expressed their desire to run in our riding (current MP Alex Atamanenko will be retiring at...

More fines for unsecured garbage may evolve from Bear Smart initiative

WildSafeBC is giving Castlegar the opportunity to be designated a ‘Bear Smart’ community during one of our worst bear seasons in years – and encouraging the city penalize residents who won’t get on board. “The bear situation in Castlegar right now is crazy, I've never received so many phone calls and emails,” WildSafe coordinator...

Road Kings Queen City Cruise — everybody from young kids to retirees

The Road Kings car club is hosting the annual Queen’s City Cruise this weekend, with up to 400 cars expected to participate in the show. Vehicles from all over Western Canada and the United States will be parked on Baker Street, and hot rod aficionados from areas as far as California will be making the trip to show off their...

Alive and Safe in Rossland

By Jan Micklethwaite On Wednesday, Aug. 25th, Ruta Zakarias and her two sons Eyobed and Yonathan arrived at the Castlegar airport from Cairo, where they have been living for a year and a half.  On hand to greet the family were Jill Peacock, Jan Micklethwaite, Dave Cornelius and mayor Kathy Moore, members of West Kootenay...

Nelson SARS, Balfour Fire rescue injured female after fall near Gibson Lake

Nelson Search and Rescue (NSAR) and Balfour Fire Rescue were called to rescue a woman in her mid 20s after the female experienced a fall on an old growth recreation trail near Gibson Lake Sunday afternoon. Chris Armstrong of NSAR said in a media release, the two search crews were called into action at 2:30 p.m. Sunday after...

Kootenay Pride Parade brings out the crowds Sunday in Nelson

It seems the entire town was out on Baker Street Sunday afternoon for the 19th annual Kootenay Pride parade. Rainbow flags, pink boas and a million balloons could be seen flapping in the wind as throngs of people of all ages and orientations came out on Sunday to celebrate Pride. Postal workers, teachers, the BC Nurses Union...

Peace, security and climate change on the agenda for all candidates forum

Federal election candidates will have an opportunity to focus on issues of peace, security and climate change in a pair of all-candidates forums slated for September 16 and 17. The three important and often intertwined topics are of increasing importance to Canadians in the 21st Century. Co-hosted by Selkirk College’s Mir...
12°C Scattered Clouds

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