

City ups its commitment to Fortis Energy Diet

The City of Castlegar will be providing 50 additional $25 rebates for residents who take part in FortisBC’s Kootenay Energy Diet program, according to an announcement made at Monday night's regular council meeting. “FortisBC PowerSense will provide Kootenay Energy Diet participants with a discounted energy assessment,...

COMMENT: Rebuttal to letter to the editor

I've been doing this a fairly long time, and I've read lots of writing that has made me angry over the years, but few pieces have infuriated me to the same degree as a letter to the editor published in the Castlegar News last week. I believe when you put writing out into the public domain, be it as a trained journalist or as...

Selkirk enrolment numbers up

Selkirk College’s 2013 fall enrolment numbers are showing an increase in the number of students. Final semester calculations will be compiled for the end of October, but the annual September headcount reveals a 3.6-per-cent increase in domestic students and a 21-per-cent increase in international students. “Although we are ...

Selkirk College's annual scavenger hunt to ignite Nelson streets

It’s that time of year – the leaves are changing, that snow itch is getting painful and downtown Nelson once again plays host to costume-clad shenanigans in the form of the SROAMazing Race. Organized by students enrolled in the Ski Resort Operations and Management Program (SROAM) at Selkirk College, the event is now in its ...

RDKB diverts 20 tonnes of organic matter from the landfill each month

The Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB) started their curbside green bin collection program a year ago. During that time they have diverted 20 tonnes of organic material per month from the Grand Forks landfill, says Tim Dueck, RDKB solid waste program coordinator. As part of the new collection program, the RDKB...

Residents need to take action to prevent black bear interactions in GF

Bears have been making their presence known in Grand Forks over the last few weeks and local conservation officer, Dave Webster, says it’s becoming a real issue. “We have been having higher than normal call volumes with problem bears,” he said. Webster has had to destroy three “garbage bears” in the last week and a total of...

Selkirk College's annual scavenger hunt set to swarm Nelson streets

It’s that time of year – the leaves are changing, that snow itch is getting painful and downtown Nelson once again plays host to costume-clad shenanigans in the form of the SROAMazing Race. Organized by students enrolled in the Ski Resort Operations and Management Program (SROAM) at Selkirk College, the event is now in its ...

LETTER: US shutdown should push Canada toward proportional representation

Dear Editor. Colonial rule raises its ugly head again. The failure of the US government to continue to operate is yet another example of how screwed up our colonial style governments really are: While we have democratic elections, we do not have democratic governments. Our politicians do not want democracy and arrogantly...

LETTER: Colonial-style governments to blame for government failure

Colonial rule raises its ugly head again. The failure of the US government to continue to operate is yet another example of how screwed up our colonial style governments really are: While we have democratic elections, we do not have democratic governments. Our politicians do not want democracy and arrogantly insist on forming...

City councillor plans upgrades after Kootenay Energy Diet assessment

Grand Forks city councillor Gary Smith is hoping for high energy savings after taking part in the Kootenay Energy Diet earlier this summer. A certified energy auditor came to his home in July to check for leaks and find out where he was losing the most energy. Smith said the process was quick and interesting. After the...