

City sponsors toilet talk; gives residents cold shoulder

 The City of Castlegar is flush with pride in its continuing environmental stewardship initiatives, including the Toilet Rebate program and National Sweater Day on Feb. 9.   Councillor Russ Hearne said this is the third year residents can be all a-swirl over the opportunity to switch out conventional toilets for far more...

Police nab suspect in donation-box thefts

 A 27-year-old Castlegar man is facing three counts of theft under $5,000 following a police investigation into the theft of donation boxes from three Castlegar businesses in January 2012.  On Jan. 4, the SPCA donation box was stolen from the Shell gas station. On Jan. 7, the donation box for Crohn’s and Colitis was stolen ...

Global online community protests US anti-piracy bills

 January 18 was an important day for the Internet. Corporate websites, from Google to Twitpic, along with civil society groups and individuals, have all joined together in a common cause: to protest two American bills that could have grave effects for global online free expression. As Global Voices' Executive Director ...

Observing the 2012 Human Trafficking Awareness Day

This week US citizens observed National Human Trafficking Awareness Day through acts of education, legislation, and enforcement; whilst, around the world, other people highlighted or tackled this global problem in their own countries.According to an annual report on human trafficking released by the US State Department in...

Open letter regarding hearings into proposed Endbridge pipeline

Dear Prime Minister: We are deeply concerned that your government has already determined the outcome of the controversial Enbridge pipelines proposal even before the panel responsible for assessing its impacts has commenced its hearings. This, in our opinion, has the real potential to completely undermine the independence and...

Clark breaks faith with Facebook users

Premier Christy Clark's Facebook page didn't come anywhere close in December to meeting the high expectations that the premier's office set out for the page itself, according to IntegrityBC. Premier Clark's page is being promoted with Facebook ads that promise: “I want to hear from you on how we can keep British Columbia...

Wireless innovations driving BC economy

We are fortunate in our lifetimes to have seen technology’s amazing ability to “amplify human potential,” as Microsoft founder Bill Gates said so aptly.In the last century, we saw how the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, and electricity transformed our society.  In the 21st century, the wireless revolution is transforming...

EthicalOil.org and the Harper Government

The various spokespeople for supposed "grassroots" pro-Tar Sands and pipeline organization EthicalOil.org have steadfastly maintained their campaign has no connection to the oil and gas industry or the Harper Government. But as the links between these groups continue to pile up, that contention becomes harder and harder to ...

OP/ED: Teachers' Union urges parents not to let kids take FSAs

This week, teachers of Grade 4 and 7 students in School District #20 will be sending letters home with students asking parents to withdraw their children from writing the FSAs (Foundation Skill Assessment) exams.   Why? The FSAs do not count toward student’s marks nor do the results actively support learning. They are expensive...

Columbia River Treaty: Local governments collaborate on community engagement and ducation

“The Columbia River Treaty has influenced the geography, economy and social fabric of this region since it was ratified in 1964. It’s critical that the people who live in the Columbia Basin understand the treaty-past, present and future-and that there are mechanisms for local views to be considered in any potential discussion...
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