

Castlegar requests January court date

The City of Castlegar has applied to the B.C. Supreme Court to have the case between Celgar and the city heard this January ...but Celgar has to agree for the application to be approved, according to Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff. This, after an in-camera meeting Monday night saw Celgar hand the city a cheque for $377,000,...

Owners commit to cleaning up Woodland Park site

Photo of Woodland Park school fire in June, by Kyra Hoggan.Clean up is all set for the site of Castlegar's Woodland Park Elementary School, an abandoned building that burned to the ground last June in a fire set by youth vandals (five of whom have since been arrested).John Vicars, spokesman for the group of owners of the site...

Castlegar Health Watch circulates survey

“How do you get to your health care appointments, including emergencies?”Thanks to funding from Area I, that’s the question Castlegar & District Health Watch Society intends to ask in a survey which will be mailed out to every household in Castlegar, and Areas I and J in the second week of November.Health-related services...

Province provides new H1N1 vaccine info; new eligibility requirements

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued by the provincial government:More British Columbians will be eligible to receive the H1N1 vaccine beginning Monday, Nov. 16 - including first responders, healthy children, seniors with chronic health conditions and additional health care workers."With the arrival of more vaccine...

Missing Grand Forks man the victim of fatal car crash

The missing persons case involving 81-year-old Mr. Knee of Grand Forks was solved this afternoon when he was found deceased over the bank of the Paulson Pass highway just north of the Paulson Bridge. Knee vanished from the Boundary residential care facility in Grand Forks Wednesday afternoon.A representative from the West...

Mosquitos to address park pests

Castlegar city council has given the green light for the installion of two new Mosquito devices, similar to the one already in place near the Element Bar and Grill downtown.The device was installed downtown because it emits an irritating, high-pitched whining sound designed to send unsavoury loiterers on their way - an effect...

Toxco issues press release about Trail fire

Ed. Note: the following as a press release issued by Toxco. Inc.Toxco, Inc. has begun clean up operations from a primary lithium battery fire that occurred in one of the plant’s permitted approved storage building located at the (Trail) site, on the evening of Nov. 7.The fire occurred during non operation hours and no one was...

City to pay Celgar school taxes

Castlegar city council has decided to pay the final amount of Celgar's major industry municipal taxes owed to other jurisdictions – in this case, just over $334,000 owed for school taxes.In a report to council brought forward at Monday night's regular meeting, city finance director Andre Buss recommended paying the bill.“The...

Castlegar schools not hard hit by H1N1

School District 20 superintendent Jean Borsa said today that Castlegar schools have not been as hard-hit as some others in the region by the H1N1 virus (swine flu).“It's sort of going away now,” she said, explaining Castlegar Primary School say an absenteeism rate of about 20 per cent last week, but that number is down this...

Waneta Expansion project in jeopardy

Ed. Note: The following is a press release issued jointly by the Columbia Power Corporation and the Columbia Basin Trust. The Source logged calls to five executive-level representatives at the two organizations, but no one had returned our calls bas of this press time.Waneta Expansion Power Corporation (WEPC), a subsidiary ...