

Blueberry residents urged to keep pets indoors after cougar sighting

A massive cougar apparently made a pit-stop in Blueberry last weekend, which is only one of many good reasons for residents to keep their pets indoors. Area resident Colleen Kalnins said she was preparing to go to bed Saturday night when she saw the big cat. “It was about 11 p.m. and I was turning out my lights,” she said. ...

Weather experts in Canada — Wiarton Willie — and USA — Punxsutawney Phil — send mixed message about an early spring

It’s been said there are many differences between Canadians and Americans. Groundhogs can now be added into the mix. In Ontario, Canada’s weather expert Wiarton Willie failed to see his shadow this morning, which bodes well for Canadians as according to tradition, an early spring is on its way. Ditto for Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie Sam. […]

US reduces claim against alleged B.C. Softwood timber violations

Madison's Lumber Reporter has learned that the United States' claim against Canada, for alleged subsidies on British Columbia's timber stumpage rates, has been reduced from US$499 to US$303.6 million. In the American rebuttal of Canada's defense, which was filed on Dec. 23, 2011 but only made public this week, the U.S. Trade...

Snowboarders flock to Tribute Boardshop for chance to meet Rice & Company

To a snowboarder meeting Travis Rice is like having Sidney Crosby come to a hockey player’s house. Which is why boarders young and old flocked to the Tribute Boardshop for an autograph session Wednesday evening. Rice and Lucas Debari were joined by a few special guests during autograph signing session that attracted a crowd of […]

Bow down Canadians, corporations are king

Two recent stories out of Ottawa underline the ongoing political and economic assault on ordinary Canadians. More Canadians are now working for low wages than at any time in decades, continuing a trend that began in the early 1990s, and Stephen Harper has announced major changes to retirement benefits — including delaying Old...

Local MP Atamanenko slams Harper's Old Age Security review

Alex Atamanenko, MP for BC Southern Interior, is angered by the Harper government's recent announcement that the Conservatives are looking at making changes to the Old Age Security pension. The government claims that the present system is becoming unsustainable because of the aging demographics of Canadians. Harper's surprise...

Get inspired, educated, empowered: CBT hosts youth summit

Basin youth are invited to apply to attend CONNECT, a free YOUTH ACTION SUMMIT happening May 3-6 in Kimberley, BC. The theme for the event is: Connecting with Communities. Space is limited to 100 spots for participants from across the Basin. Applications are being accepted now until February 29 at cbt.org/connect. The summit...

United States: How the stimulus revived the electric car

By Michael Grabell in ProPublica. A common criticism of President Obama's $800 billion stimulus package has been that it failed to produce anything – that while the New Deal built bridges and dams, all the stimulus did was fill some potholes and create temporary jobs. Don't tell that to Annette Herrera. She was 50 when the ...

South Africa: Student anti-racism poster causes a stir

The Democratic Alliance Students Organisation (DASO) recently released a controversial poster as part of their anti-racism campaign. The “In OUR future, you wouldn't look twice” poster shows a naked mixed-race couple embracing. The poster has caused a huge stir on Facebook, Twitter and blogs and even generated...

Healthy forests dialogue publishes results

In 2009 and through 2010 a growing concern was voiced among professional foresters and biologists, conservationists, academics, community leaders, forest industry support companies and First Nations that British Columbia (BC) forests are in need of greater attention to meet societal expectations over the long-term. This concern generated the Healthy Forests-Healthy Communities: A conversation on BC […]