

BLOG: 30-Something Scribbles on Overcoming Myself

So I was recently asked to speak at a women’s conference. Now when I say I was asked to speak … I mean on stage, for almost an hour, all by myself … in front of 200 women (and women can be judgy!). I know, I know. What the hell was I thinking?! And here is the real kicker, saying I was asked isn’t entirely accurate. I actually...

Former Castlegar senior city staffer pens book promoting more positive civic values

Ed. Note: Diane Kalen-Sukra was a senior city staffer with the City of Castlegar, as well as the award-winning CAO of the Village of Salmo. Local author, speaker and veteran community builder Diane Kalen-Sukra’s new book Save Your City: How Toxic Culture Kills Community & What to Do About It is being hailed by national ...

DriveSmart BC: Please, Not So Close!

This must have been Following Too Closely Week in British Columbia. I received the story of an incident in Sooke, an analysis of a video from Richmond and was subjected to this dangerous behaviour myself. You might be able to get away with ignoring the Motor Vehicle Act, but the laws of physics will eventually prevail. The ...

Castle Theatre Presents: Claude Bourbon

Claude Bourbon - Live in Concert Saturday, April 27 at 7 p.m. (doors at 6 p.m.) Advance Tickets $15 Tickets are available at the Theatre box office or online at: http://theoldtheatre.brownpapertickets.com or: at the new The Humble Coffee Cafe (1125 4 St., Downtown Castlegar) Ready for a unique and talented take on a wide range...

Rice and Beans dinner next week to help send nursing students to Guatemala

This coming May, a group of seven Selkirk College nursing students will travel to Guatemala for an international practice experience. Students partaking in this experience will develop a further understanding how of how community development and health are positively linked. The group will also learn how to address social...

Robson Fire Department raises big bucks, is named Fire Department of the Year

Last Saturday, March 23, Robson Fire Fighters held out their boots in support of Muscular Dystrophy Canada. It was the Sixth Annual Boot Drive and the bar was set high from previous years. The first year brought in $6,200, the second $6,400, then $6,600, then $,6,800 and last year a whopping $7,309. Well the community of...

Presenting Castlegar's Hidden Heroes this week: Jax and Shilo Senyk

Ed. Note: The following is the first in a series of stories depicting Castlegar's Hidden Heroes, leading up to an exhibit this summer at the Kootenay Gallery of Art: The Hidden Hero Project is a portrait series celebrating the everyday heroes who live and give in Castlegar. Community members were asked to nominate people as...

OP/ED: Hate speech at city council the opposite of Christian foundation of love

“What’s the most important thing for a person to do?” I put this question to our church congregation a few weeks ago. The reading for that week was about a fig tree that had not produced fruit for several years. The landowner wanted to cut it down to put the soil to other use, but a servant pleaded to give the tree another ...

DriveSmart BC: The ICBC "Dumpster Fire"

ICBC premiums are rising! The corporation is losing billions, we have to get costs under control! Let's put out the ICBC dumpster fire by reducing what we pay out in claims, but assure crash victims that they will be properly taken care of. That's about all you can get into a 30 second sound bite but if there are a few more...

DriveSmart BC: Keep Right Except to Pass

Left lane hogs were back in the news again this week. The CTV Vancouver news story that I watched complained that drivers were not being held to account by police for failing to move out of the left lane and letting other drivers pass. The report claims that based on ticket numbers reported by ICBC the number of drivers...
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