

LETTER: Fortis replies to gas marketer letter

Dear Editor, This is a response to one of your readers expressing concerns regarding the Customer Choice program and the role of gas marketers. Since the launch of the Customer Choice program, British Columbians have been able to choose who supplies their natural gas. They can choose FortisBC’s variable rate or sign a fixed-term,...

LETTER: Fortis came in like a Lamb but turning out to be a Lion

Dear editor, The nice friendly community power company that bought-out West Kootenay Power is showing us a different side. They are walking out on the City of Trail without even saying good bye. The city of Penticton is looking for alternate power sources as Fortis is too expensive. Their new rates are really putting it to ...

LETTER: Don't be taken in - gas marketers in town

To the Editor: A colorfully dressed man named Raad and his associate were making calls on people’s homes in the 7000 block of 18th Street in Grand Forks last week. When he called on my uncle he said that he was “with the Access people and was there to protect buyers from rising gas prices.” He said he could give him a guaranteed...

LETTER: As winter approaches, are our highways safe enough?

Dear editor, I have previously written about the state of our roads and highways, especially after my family was involved in a serious motor vehicle accident in January last year.  Luckily, they walked away with minor injuries but the effects psychologically have lasted much longer. That accident could have resulted in the death of my […]

CUPE 2262 members in Nelson still without a contract

Editor, The Nelson Daily Workers at the Nelson and District Community Complex (NDCC) continue to seek a fair and reasonable collective agreement as rotating strike action continues this week in Nelson. The goal of the job action, says CUPE 2262 president Leford Lafayette, is to put pressure on the Regional District while causing as little […]

Research work being conducted on the Kokanee Shoal Spawners

Editor, The Nelson Daily You are likely familiar with the brilliant red color that the kokanee salmon turn in the fall when they are spawning in creeks and rivers in the area. Did you know that kokanee can also be found spawning on the beaches of some of our lakes? These are kokanee that are […]

LETTER: Closure of the Nelson BC DFO Office

The Hon. Keith Ashfield, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Place de Ville, Tower C, 29th Floor, 330 Sparks Street Otatwa, Ontario, K1A 0N5 RE:  Closure of the Nelson BC DFO Office Dear Minister: I write to bring to your attention concerns that are being voiced by local residents and elected officials about the closure of […]

LETTER: Proposed federal riding boundary changes need local discussion

Dear Editor: I am writing about hearings that are to be held in our area with respect to the way the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission has decided to divide up the province between Members of Parliament. Hearings in our area are scheduled for Nelson on October 2, 2012 and Castlegar on October 3, 2012. None […]

RDCK chair, John Kettle applauds provincial government

Editor, The Nelson Daily A letter to Honourable Christy Clark, MLA, Premier of British Columbia by Regional District of Central Kootenay chairperson, John Kettle. Dear Premier Clark: On behalf of the Regional District of Central Kootenay I want to sincerely thank you and your government for the immediate and effective response...

LETTER: Area residents need to stop Ottawa/Elections Canada from further diluting our collective voice

Open Letter to West Kootenay Residents: It seems like the people who make decisions far away in Ottawa don’t quite understand BC nor do they understand the importance of physical geography in such a mountainous place. They look at maps with demographics and populations and what they have is an impression of where we live, […]
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