

Our Prime Minister’s 'new Canadian patriotism'

Editor, The Nelson Daily Do we accept Stephen Harper’s “new Canadian patriotism”? We in the Kootenays, with pacificist traditions from Quakers, Doukhobors, and Viet Nam war resisters, surely must be alerted by a Prime Minister with a vision of Canada standing tall with military muscle beside imperial nations like America and Britain. I fear that […]

Lions Club calls on Chamber of Commerce to explain eviction

Letter to the Editor: Last Thursday, four of the Lions executive waited for our turn to visit the Chamber of Commerce board meeting. In the closed meeting of the chamber board, a discussion of how to proceed with the eviction of the Lions Club. For 41 years, the Castlegar-Selkirk Lions have been involved in Castlegar. Shopping...

Pothole gobbles up Castlegar residents car

The best way to explain my issue would be in chronological order but would require a longer article to accomplish. A condensed version, in this case, is applicable. On December 30th  at 3:50 p.m., our vehicle was caught in a collision with what best described was a pothole. The pothole measured 48 inches long by […]

Open letter regarding hearings into proposed Endbridge pipeline

Dear Prime Minister: We are deeply concerned that your government has already determined the outcome of the controversial Enbridge pipelines proposal even before the panel responsible for assessing its impacts has commenced its hearings. This, in our opinion, has the real potential to completely undermine the independence and...

OP/ED: Teachers' Union urges parents not to let kids take FSAs

This week, teachers of Grade 4 and 7 students in School District #20 will be sending letters home with students asking parents to withdraw their children from writing the FSAs (Foundation Skill Assessment) exams.   Why? The FSAs do not count toward student’s marks nor do the results actively support learning. They are expensive...

OP/ED: Nestle Waters takes issue with Atamanenko's bottled-water stance

I read with interest the article that appeared in the December 9, 2011, edition of The Castlegar Source entitled, “MP wants bottled water banned.” In the piece, BC South Interior MP Alex Atamanenko based his recent statement about bottled water in the House of Commons on information that has long been confirmed as false — […]

Occupy Nelson delivers accolades for a 'job well done'

To the Editor: We of Occupy Nelson would like to thank the City of Nelson, the Nelson City Police and the helpful folks on City Council for assisting us with dismantling the physical Occupation in front of City Hall. We would like to thank the incredibly helpful (and ever-thoughtful) City manager for waiting until our […]

"Cowboy hat" protest planned against Harper crime bill

Canadians across the country are mobilizing to oppose the rushed passage of the Omnibus Crime Bill. If passed, Bill C-10 would shift Canada to a cruel, costly and failed fill-the-prisons approach to justice. The 150+ cross-country actions at MP’s constituency offices are focused on Thursday at 1PM, with some taking place throughout the day and Friday. […]

LETTER: Democracy wins at UBCM with regard to Smart Meters

Dear Editor,The BC Liberals' attempts to silence the growing Smart Meter controversy have failed at the Union of BC Municipalities convention with delegates voting for a province-wide moratorium. Could the heavy-handed, dictatorial edicts of Rich Coleman and the Liberals have actually prompted this clear vote for democracy,...

LETTER: Free fruit, ripe for the picking

To the editor:Did you know that Castlegar has a huge hidden resource that is barely tapped? The bears know! I am talking about all the fruit that falls and is not used in our area. There were, at one time, at least 60 orchards in our valley. Now, there are no commercial fruit farms here, to my knowledge, but there is a ton ...
-7°C Scattered Clouds

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