

OP-ED: MP misguided in gun registry support

On Nov.4, our MP, Alex Atamanenko, voted against Bill C-391, which would scrap the long gun registry, throwing his support behind what has become known as the “$2 billion boondoggle”.Why would our MP vote in favour of keeping the colossal waste of money?He states that, “I believe the registry may be working. Between 1991 and...

OP-ED: It's wrong to kill euthanasia debate

In May 2009, MP Francine Lalonde introduced a Private Member's bill to legalize euthanasia and is due to have the second hour of debate take place Dec. 1, with the vote taking place on Dec. 2. Bill C-384 would add an exception to the criminal code, ensuring that doctors will not face criminal prosecution if they help a person...

Swine flu frenzy - a different kind of conspiracy

Rob's column Wednesday brought up the issue of conspiracy theories when it comes to virus/vaccine scenarios, and whether it's irresponsible to ignore those theories ...or irresponsible to indulge them.So I've got my own conspiracy theory about H1N1 to share with you.First, I stand by The Source's decisions, to use the term ...

MP's climate-change stance misguided

To see the column Rob is responding to,  click hereThis December, representatives from around the world will be invading Copenhagen for the United Nations Conference on Climate Change and, much to the displeasure of MP Alex Atamanenko, Canada may be going without a plan for greenhouse gas reductions.In a move that I consider...

MP says new EI legislation good news

MP Alex Atamanenko (BC Southern Interior) said he is pleased with federal Human Resources Minister Diane Finley’s statement Thursday that the government will finally agree to the amendments to Bill C-50 that the NDP has been calling for; namely,  to ensure long-tenured workers who applied for EI benefits as of January 4th, ...

HST maybe not such a bad thing?

Kyra (the editor) has been hinting for awhile now that she would like to take on the topic of the HST, but in all honesty I have been putting it off because I felt uninformed and hadn’t really decided how I felt about it. That was until recently, when I noticed ex-Premier Bill Vander Zalm was spearheading an anti-HST campaign....

Zandee highlights new changes to EI

Today, Rob Zandee, Candidate of Record for the Conservative Party of Canada for the riding of British Columbia Southern Interior commented on changes to EI benefits for long-tenured workers. “On Sept.14, the government gave notice that they intend to introduce legislation to help long-tenured workers who have lost their jobs...

RDCK strikes again

Area J director for the RDCK Gord Zaitsoff said today, in an open meeting of the RDCK general affairs committee, that The Castlegar Source is so pro-City of Castlegar that it doesn't care about anyone else.I can see where he'd want to attack us, given that The Source has, twice now, condemned his behaviour. But I think it's...

RDCK: How many wrongs do you think it takes to make a right?

Every time I think the political system has bottomed out, and cannot possibly disappoint me more than it already has, some new, unprecedented low proves me wrong.For those of you following the issue between the City of Castlegar and the Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) over the $375,000 regional requisition, be ...

OP-ED: Conservative candidate rebutts MP comments on federal election

Today, Rob Zandee, Candidate of Record for the Conservative Party of Canada for the riding of British Columbia Southern Interior commented on a news story in the Castlegar Source entitled Local MP speaks to possible election. “Today, the CMHC announced that new housing starts in Canada increased to 150,400 units in August, ...
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