

Wildsight OP/ED: Globally unique old growth falls as BC fails to act

Deep in the heart of BC’s Inland Temperate Rainforest (ITR), chainsaws are cutting irreplaceable and globally unique stands of ancient cedar-hemlock forests. The trees, which are hundreds and hundreds of years old and many one to two metres in diameter, are being  auctioned off and logged by BC’s own provincial timber agency,...

MP: Liberals reject NDP proposal to deliver affordable dental care to millions of Canadians

Yesterday, the Liberal government voted against an NDP motion that would provide dental coverage to millions of Canadians who struggle with the cost of dental care. The NDP proposal would have allowed 6.7 million people in Canada whose household income is less than $90,000 a year to access the dental services they desperately...

MP Cannings speaks to residential schools

The discovery of 215 unmarked and seemingly undocumented graves of children on the grounds of the former residential school in Kamloops has produced an outpouring of grief and anger across Canada.  While the discovery was not a surprise to many people, especially to residential school survivors, it served as a shocking reminder...

MP Richard Cannings speaks to ongoing housing crisis

Canada is in the middle of a housing crisis, and the south Okanagan, Boundary and West Kootenay areas are very much in the middle of that crisis.  This is an urgent and rapidly growing problem that demands the cooperation and priority of all levels of government. The crisis has emerged out of a perfect storm of factors....

OP/ED: Chilliwack City Hall Behind Shutdown of City’s Only Overdose Prevention Site

Unceded Skowkale, Ts’elxwéyeqw, Skwah territory (Chilliwack): Erica Thomson has been barricaded in the office of the Chilliwack Union of Drug Users (CUDU) for five days. She is the president of the BC Yukon Association of Drug War Survivors, which sponsors the year-old Chilliwack group and helps fund their office space. Erica...

Op/Ed: Interior Health marking Mental Health Awareness Week

COVID-19 has impacted each of us in many ways. One of the areas that we are monitoring closely is mental health. Mental health affects all of us. As we mark the 70th annual Mental Health Awareness Week I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize the toll that the ongoing pandemic is having on people’s feelings of stress,...

LETTER: Rossland council distances itself from Mayor's decision, but doesn't want her resignation

To the Citizens of Rossland From Rossland City Council: Rossland Mayor Kathy Moore is currently in the USA. While not breaking any laws, she travelled contrary to current Federal and Provincial Public Health recommendations against non-essential travel which has raised significant concerns in our community. While Mayor Moore...

Budget 2021: More promises but everyday Canadians are left holding the bill for the pandemic while the ultra-rich enjoy a free ride

Many struggling Canadians hoped that today’s budget would offer meaningful supports and steps towards recovery. But more than that, they hoped that it would be the ultra-wealthy who have profited from the pandemic who would be paying for these supports, not the workers who have been hit so hard.  According to local MP, Richard...

Editorial: About that elderly Rossland couple and their COVID-19 fine

Readers will have seen a news item about a couple who crossed the border after getting medical services in the United States, and were accused of not following required procedures, and were issued a fine for $3,450 for their “non-compliance.”  But there is much more to that story, and readers should know what really happened...

OP/ED: What Have We Learned in Our Year of the Plague?

Dear Dr. Steve, We have now completed one Pandemic Year. Have we learned anything as a society? Signed, Unvaccinated Dear UV, It’s been a Simpsons year, really. The Simpson family has been on the living room couch for over 30 years, but Bart and Lisa are still in grade school. Endless yet static — that is our pandemic era. ...
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