

Practical realities of carbon taxes and cap-and-trade systems across Canada undermine potential benefits

Governments across Canada fail to properly implement carbon-pricing schemes, which could, in theory, both reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the economy, finds a new study released today by the Fraser Institute, an independent, non-partisan Canadian policy think-tank.

OP/ED: Council Clips by Councillor Sue Heaton-Sherstobitoff

Highlights from tonight's council meeting: 1.) Council approved the 2016 draft financial statements and approved that council hold an Annual Meeting as required under section 99 of the Community Charter on the June 26, 2017 - at the regular council meeting. Part of the draft financial statements show the status of reserves ...

Letter: Voter not happy with choices

To The Editor: When I contemplate the choices we have in  the upcoming provincial election, I must admit I get depressed. I think we need a new category on the voting ballot entitled None of the Above. The Liberals can be characterized as sneaky taxers with a conceited attitude. They are also given to flip and smart alec sophistry instead of candid, direct answers on issues. They obviously suffer from the corruption of power.

The incredible shrinking role of government in BC

During an election, pundits and political parties tend to focus on spending promises. But the attention on spending makes it easy to forget that we’ve actually witnessed an incredible shrinking of government’s role in BC over the past 15 years. Unlike the strange mist that shrinks Scott Carey in the 1957 sci-fi classic, The Incredible Shrinking Man, the cause of BC’s shrinking public sector is not so mysterious.

Candidates Answer Four Questions (or not): Part I

Last week, I posted an editorial criticizing negative campaigning, and posed questions for our local candidates to answer -- without mentioning other candidates or other parties. Here are two of our local candidates' answers to the first set of four questions; the third candidate, Liberal Jim Postnikoff, was unfortunately unable to respond in time. Where possible, I have looked through the Liberal platform and attempted to find the Liberal approach on the topics of the questions, and inserted what I could find.

LETTER: Canadian Federation of Students replies to Selkirk students

Selkirk Students Deserve Fair, Transparent and Democratic Referendum (On April 5) the Castlegar Source published a letter to the editor containing  misinformation about Selkirk College students' membership in the Canadian  Federation of Students. The letter leaves out some critical information that Selkirk students need to ...

River Talk — Truth, Reconciliation and Columbia River Treaty

Eileen Delehanty Pearkes has been researching and writing about the history and politics of water in the upper Columbia Basin since 2005.  Her book on the Columbia River Treaty, A River Captured, was released in 2016. Recently, her travelling exhibit on the Columbia River Treaty, curated for Touchstones Nelson, won a national...

LETTER: Canadian Federation of Students sues Selkirk College students

Students at Selkirk College have become embroiled in a legal battle for the right to vote about their membership in a national student group, according to Selkirk College Students’ Union Director at-Large Santanna Hernandez. “Students submitted a valid petition for a referendum on membership in the Canadian Federation of...

Caribou, Logging, Wolves and Corporate Donors

What poses the greatest hazard to BC's endangered Southern Mountain Caribou -- habitat loss, wolves, or corporate donors?  Or are all three of those factors linked, and if so, how? This opinion piece is from DeSmog Canada.  Read and contemplate. The B.C. government is granting logging permits in critical caribou...

Katrine Conroy campaign office kickoff signals start of 2017 Provincial Election in Kootenay West

While it still may not look very much like it in some corners, winter is releasing its grip on the West Kootenay. Snowfalls turning to rain showers, songbirds returning to the trees, and creeks swollen with runoff signal the return of spring to the region. And, along with the seasonal turns, every four years also brings with...
5°C Few Clouds

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