

Letter: Left at the voting alter by the Prime Minister

To The Editor: The Liberal Government under Justin Trudeau has chosen to abandon its commitment to reform our voting system. This is something that the Canadian voting public should not take laying down. Our voting system stands at the core of our democratic process and represents our most fundamental democratic right. Our current “first past […]

A Resister’s Guide

“Government was intended to suppress injustice, but its effect has been to embody and perpetuate it.” – William Godwin Like Henry David Thoreau, I heartily agree with the motto – “That government is best which governs least”. When one considers the long list of problems that our governments have tried unsuccessfully to resolve,...

Opinion: Restrictions on Smoking Outdoors?

(Editor's Note:  The article below is contributed by the Canadian Cancer Society.  Readers should note that on January 9, 2017, the City of Trail  adopted Bylaw #2821, which restricts outdoor smoking.  It says:  " 2.1.  No person shall smoke: (a) In any Park; (b) At or within 6.0 metres of a Recreation Facility;  (c) At an ...

Bernie Sanders' style grassroots fundraising it's not

Mere hours before the New York Times went to press with its look at the B.C. Liberal party's ethical scorecard, the party chose to get its 2016 fundraising results out ahead of the storm. One last chance at political counter-spin and what a marvel of spin it was. U.S. Republican party strategist Karl Rove would have been...

OPINION: You May be Holding Your Future in Your Hands

The lighter’s flame touches the end of your cigarette; you take a deep drag and the warm smoke enters your lungs. If it’s your first cigarette, you might instantly find it harder to breathe. The smoke tastes heavy and robust, not entirely unpleasant and reminiscent of drinking coffee for the first time. Then comes the nicotine...

Letter: All I want for Christmas is Proportional Representation

To The Editor: A Christmas poem to all the Liberal MPs in Canada. Oh Liberal MP, oh Liberal dear Pull up a chair and lend me your ear. My tale is short, I won't keep you long Just a wee ask to fix a big wrong. Twas not long ago Trudeau made clear FPTP had had its last year. The people cheered and voted in trust that Trudeau's...

Letter: All I want for Christmas is fair voting system for Canada

To The Editor: The mydemocracy.ca survey that the government has invited all households to take part in, has been designed to confuse and ultimately dodge the vital issue of fair voting (proportional representation) in Canada. The postcard invites Canadians to take part in the national "conversation" on electoral reform however...

Interior Health year in review: Message from Board Chair Erwin Malzer

This is a busy time of year, but I find it’s also a time of reflection, particularly as January marks the end of my two-year term as Chair and my 10 years serving on the Board of Interior Health.   In an effort to decrease demand on hospital and residential services, we continue to shift our focus to integrated primary and ...

LETTER: Senior services sorely lacking

Dear Editor, On behalf of a large concerned group of students and local community members, it has come to our attention that there is a lack of senior support financially in the Kootenays, let alone across the province. The local Senior outreach and support program (SOS) under the Castlegar district community services that ...

OUT OF LEFT FIELD: Blueberry School AGM a slap in face to taxpayers everywhere

I would like to preface this by saying I have long been a vehement – almost rabid – supporter of the Blueberry Creek Community School Hub (BCCS). I lobbied hard, both personally and professionally, for SD 20 to sell the BCCS property to its non-profit society to keep the school in operation. It is, thus, truly with a heavy ...
7°C Scattered Clouds

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