

LETTERS: Rebels executive needs more accountability

Dear Editor/Public: During the last year I have been asking questions of the Castlegar Hockey Society's executive (Rebel executive). I attended the AGM, became a Member in Good Standing and have continued to ask questions, which is my right and my obligation, to make sure this executive is acting in a responsible manner. I ...

LETTER: 'When they go low, we go high'

There’s been a flood of posts recently contrasting a naked or near-naked Melania Trump with Michelle Obama looking elegant. Alt-right criticism of Michelle, almost without exception, is abhorrent and racist. But is unfair criticism of one woman *in any way* addressed by inviting ridicule and mockery of another? Michelle is extraordinary. She would be a […]

Letter: Keep your Smoke Alarm Firing on all Cylinders

To The Editor: Did you replace the batteries in your smoke alarm after changing the clocks back for Daylight Saving Time? With apologies to Saskatchewan residents, who do not adjust their clocks, safety advocates have often repeated this handy mnemonic device as an easy way to remember that batteries in smoke alarms must be...

COLUMN: A Blow to Regional Collaboration

Over the last couple of years many elected officials in our region have been trying hard to improve collaboration and cooperation between our various local governments. Unfortunately, the region has just experienced a major setback. One area that was a sparkling example of regional cooperation was the economic development...

LETTER: Reader supports Dhillon in by-election

The by-election takes place this weekend.  Elect Arry Dhillon to Castlegar City Council. His passion for this community shines through.  His approach, knocking on over 1,500 doors asking people's input to their concerns and what he wants to see, is admirable. He has strong views, and is  willing to work with current council...

LETTER: Reader supports Sylvest in by-election

Dear Editor and my fellow voters, We have an exciting opportunity before us,and that is the chance to elect to our esteemed City Council a member who has substantial professional expertise in tax law and finance, in running successful businesses that also build community, and significant experience working well on teams. That...

OP/ED: CUPE BC condemns Province's firing of Vancouver school board

Today's news that Premier Christy Clark has fired the democratically elected Vancouver School Board shows that her education agenda is more about closing schools than providing quality public education, CUPE BC President Paul Faoro said today. "The Vancouver School Board trustees who stood up to this government's efforts to...

Letter: This is hardly surprising to that small percent of hunters

To The Editor: The Vancouver Sun article: “Scarce Moose” is hardly surprising to that small percent of hunters, outfitters and concerned citizens who are fully aware of the sorry state of wildlife management in BC. Weak wildlife management started to go downhill in 1996 when Premier Glen Clark facing a sea of red ink demanded...

Letter: When it comes to seniors, think again

To The Editor: October 1st is the United Nations-declared “International Day of the Older Person.” The theme this year is ageism, a prejudice that the UN describes as the most socially-normalized form of discrimination worldwide. The term was coined in 1969 to describe a form of discrimination based on age. Since this time,...

COLUMN: From the Hill - The High Cost of Getting a University Education

On May 5th, the Parliamentary Budget Officer released a report titled, Federal Spending on Postsecondary Education. One of its findings was that Canadian college and university students come from disproportionately wealthy families—about 60% of students are from families in the top 40% of income. That’s perhaps not surprising, but a related find was:  the federal […]
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