

Improvements coming to West Kootenay highways and roads

Ed Note: The following is a press release issued by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure: This summer, key sections of provincial highway and local side roads in the West Kootenay region will be resurfaced to improve safety and travel for local residents, tourists and commercial vehicles.  A $1.7-million contract has been awarded to Interoute […]

Purchasing under way for $1.2-million water treatment upgrade

A $1.2-million water infrastructure project is well under way after council approved the hiring of Castlegar’s Venture Mechanical Systems Ltd. to undertake the upgrading and retrofitting of the city’s water treatment centre. City director of transportation and civic works Chris Barlow said the $1.2-million price tag will be...

OP/ED: Healthy forests for communities

By: Bill Bourgeois In the past two decades, British Columbians have witnessed two starkly different approaches to managing the province’s forest resources. Following the so-called “war in the woods” in the early 1990s, the Provincial Government responded with a series of initiatives emphasizing land-use planning, greater...

Rossland supports West Kootenay Regional Airport pitch for West Jet service

Rossland will send a letter to support the West Kootenay Regional Airport’s (WKRA) pitch to get West Jet service into Castlegar. Coun. Kathy Wallace raised the motion as a late addition to the agenda at last week’s regular council meeting on June 11. “Part of the time constraint is that this [issue] is coming to […]

Politicians are a shadow. What casts the shadow?

I have been writing about politics lately.  Now I will turn my attentions to a wider subject, minds and consciousness. It is a great virtue of history that—through its study--people can be cured of thinking they are undergoing something unique, when in historical fact something very similar has happened before. Harper is in...

Councillor Batycki Questions WestJet Solution for Castlegar Airport

  Candace Batycki doesn’t want more flights or more airlines at the Castlegar airport because the increase in traffic would lead to greater carbon emissions.  At the June 11 Nelson City Council meeting, Councillor Batycki spoke against a motion that would support an effort by municipal leaders in the West Kootenay to lobby WestJet to […]

Conservative Government’s 2012 Budget Bill (C-38)

With no other explanation, other than to dismiss the legislation as “unnecessary red tape”, one deeply buried line of Bill C-38, the Conservative government’s 2012 Budget Bill states:  “The Fair Wages and Hours of Labour Act is repealed”.  And with these 10 words the Conservatives ‘Trojan Horse’ bill, as it has come to be called, […]

Castlegar mayor joins Dooley in opposing pot legalization

A campaign to decriminalize marijuana in B.C. is putting local politicians on the spot – including Castlegar’s Mayor Lawrence Chernoff. A coalition of eight B.C. mayors, through Stop the Violence BC campaign, sent a letter in April urging provincial leaders to “support the regulation and taxation of marijuana”, citing public heath concerns and crime reduction […]

Chambers of commerce/businesses throw support behind Castlegar's WestJet bid

Four area chambers of commerce have offered regional airport representatives their endorsement in a bid to encourage WestJet to come to the Kootenays – meanwhile the Castlegar chamber is being flooded with letters of support from local businesses. Just last week, WestJet invited members of the West Kootenay Regional Airport Advisory Committee (including Castlegar Mayor […]

Nights of the round table: culture in Castlegar

  Roughly 35 people attended a round table meeting June 12 at the Castlegar Complex hosted by the Castlegar Cultural Advisory Committee. The purpose of the gathering was to discuss future objectives of the committee, and possible actions steps for continued growth in culture. Over 23 organizations were represented, according...