

LETTER: Not everyone thrilled about Rick Hansen's visit

Dear Rick Hansen: I hope that during your next 25 years of raising money for spinal cord research (SCR) we will see the end of inhumane, scientifically fallacious spinal cord experiments on animals. It was 25 years ago when Lifeforce, a Vancouver based ecology and animal rights organization, gave you extensive data about the failure […]

Castlegar to see whole new kind of theatre written and performed by teens

On April 26, a group of Nelson youth participating in the Gender Action Project will perform live at the Mir Centre for Peace.  Rumours and Just a Friend, interactive forum theatre pieces about gender issues, are the result of a 10-week-long workshop series facilitated by the Nelson Women's Centre, and supported by SelfDesign...

Council to pass tax bylaw with minimal increase

Despite a residential tax increase this year, Castlegar homeowners will likely be paying less property tax in 2012 than they did in 2010. In a report presented to city council at its regular meeting Monday night, city director of financial services Andre Buss told council that modest increases have been offset by an increase...

AKBLG convention starts without Castlegar's cross-border shopping resolution

The annual general meeting of the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments (AKBLG) got under way today in Trail, with 26 municipalities and three regional districts represented. While Castlegar mayor and council are present, as part of 117 voting delegates and about 185 attendees, Castlegar will not be bringing...

Councillor uses Facebook to gauge community response to fowl play

A Castlegar city councillor is using social media sites to try to gauge how much community support there is for allowing urban chicken husbandry within city limits. Kevin Chernoff, now serving his third term at the council table, says the majority of the people attending council on the issue are in support of the notion […]

MP says Tories wiping out rural services

Southern Interior MP Alex Atamanenko says he was dismayed to hear the news that the Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) office in Kelowna is slated for closure earlier today. “The Conservatives are dismantling Canada piece by piece,” he said. “This will result in a critical reduction in services related to citizenship and immigration matters for […]

OP/ED: Castlegar and Trail need to put down the banjos and grow up

“Our airport is better.” “No, OUR airport is better.” “You’re not closing OUR school.” “Well, you’re sure not closing OURS. So there.” Every time I try to imagine how dialogue between Castlegar and Trail must sound to ministry officials at both the provincial and federal levels, I can almost hear the banjos playing in the […]

City dives into Millennium Park pool project with $400,000 grant

Castlegar city council is excited to announce the recent approval of the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development ‐ Community Recreation Program grant funding in the amount of $400,000 for the construction of the Millennium Park Outdoor Natural Swimming Pool.   "The City of Castlegar appreciates the Ministry of...

Clothesline Event to prevent domestic violence slated for April 17

Prevention begins with community awareness and education. To this end, the third annual Clothesline Project display will be in front of City Hall on April 17. “The Clothesline Project will display t-shirts decorated by children, women, and other community members, with anti-violence messages,” said Castlegar Victim Services...

How many roads?

Bob Dylan wrote the lyrics; Peter, Paul and Mary recorded it in the early 1960s and I, coming of age as a young civil rights supporter and believer,  always found the song "Blowin' In The Wind" as evocative, emotional and energizing as the fight for equality and social justice took hold in the U.S. and Canada, including the...