

Overwhelming "no" in recreation expansion referendum

 The official results are not yet in, but the preliminary ballots show such a resounding “no” vote that no other finale is a possibility in today’s $25-million recreation referendum in Castlegar. The Regional District of Central Kootenay posted the unoffical results on the district website Saturday night.   With just under 40-per-cent voter turn-out, the […]

Ed Broadbent’s Canada: More equal, more optimistic

 Ed Broadbent, one of Canada’s most respected progressive sages, sat down with the CCPA’s Trish Hennessy to talk about the Canada he grew up in and how it’s changed over his lifetime. During this candid conversation — in Mr. Broadbent’s own Ottawa backyard — he reflects on the profound shift away from equality. When he […]

Castlegar wins highest honour - five blooms

 It's official – Castlegar is Bloomin' beautiful, baby! Castlegar was, for the first time in its history, designated a 'Five-Bloom' community by Communities in Bloom (CiB), the highest such designation a community can achieve within the international competition.   The announcement was made at an Academy-Awards-style gala...

Outdoor exercise installation for Twin Rivers Park?

 Two Castlegar rotary clubs are determined to take away residents' lingering excuses for not exercising by promoting a project that would see outdoor exercise equipment installed at Twin Rivers Park. “It'd be available 24/7, so people couldn't say their schedule prevents them,” said Fred Hughes, offering a tongue-in-cheek...

Castlegar has bigger worries than a luncheon of Campbell's Coup

 I think most of us can safely bet the farm on which news story will be dominating B.C. media in the coming weeks – but I hope it doesn’t distract Castlegar from the huge looming issues our community will face over the same timeframe, regardless who holds power in Victoria. Truth be told, with the […]

Premier Gordon Campbell resigns

B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said Wednesday he’ll resign as soon as a leadership convention can be held by the Liberal party.  Campbell, the province’s 34th premier, said he has asked the Liberal party to hold a leadership convention as soon as possible to find a new leader.   “It’s time for a new person to […]

Campbell's resignation statement

Premier Gordon Campbell issued the following statement today:   “After considerable soul searching and discussion with my family I have decided to ask the BC Liberal Party executive to hold a leadership convention at the earliest possible date to select a new leader for our party.   “Over the last few weeks, our government ...

Millions needed to repair infrastructure: Grand Forks

$36.8 million is needed for fire safety, sewer lines, water pipes and wells in Grand Forks over the next few years, residents heard last week. At a public meeting to see if locals are ready to foot the bill for the needed repairs, city council presented an engineering report by Kerr Wood Leidel Associates about […]

IH debunks rumoured closure of critical care units in Trail

Interior Health is being anything but vague in dispelling a rumour that Trail’s critical care units are slated for closure. The rumour, disseminated at least in part by email, indicated that the new heliport at Trail’s hospital will allow IH to transport critical care patients to larger centres, thus closing the critical care units now […]

Feds take tax off poppies

The federal government will remove the sales tax from the purchase of poppies and wreaths for the Legion’s annual poppy campaign. When the Harmonized Sales Tax was implemented in Ontario and B.C. this summer, the production of poppies fell under the new tax system since a private firm in Toronto makes the poppies. This means […]