

QUNFUZ: Things that happened while I was there

Editor's note: the following is a list of things that took place during the author's trip to Palestine a couple of weeks ago.A large demonstration was held in central Nablus calling for the release of the thousands of prisoners held in the Israeli gulag.Israeli forces shelled Gaza.The Palestinian Authority arrested 53 men in...

Sex toys and referendums and school closures, oh my!

 So, today I'm posting a story about sex toys as adult stocking stuffers, and I know I'm going to get a lot of grief over it. First, let me suggest to those who are up-in-arms and furious – get some perspective, would you please? There's lots in life worth being angry over ... school closures or the whittling away of our local...

Hundreds rally and march to protest Interior Health decision

 As many as 300 people showed up to a rally and march this afternoon aimed at preventing Interior Health's (IH's) proposed plan to move Castlegar's only ultrasound machine to Trail. The crowd gathered in the Extra Foods parking lot at 3:30 p.m., then marched to the Castlegar Health Centre, where RDCK director Gord Zaitsoff ...

IH backing down on ultrasound issue

The following press release was just issued by Interior Health:  In light of recent meetings with the Castlegar physician group, Interior Health has suspended the move of the Castlegar ultrasound machine in order to allow time for additional discussions with physicians, technologists and other stakeholders; and explore other...

City bans IH from using local roads to transport ultrasound machine; residents rally this afternoon

 Even former Governor General of Canada Adrienne Clarkson approves of a City of Castlegar move to prevent Interior Health from taking Castlegar's ultrasound machine to Trail. “I thought it was the most genuis, delightful bylaw I've ever heard of in Canada,” Clarkson said, in an interview Tuesday. Clarkson was in town interviewing...

Local communities receive gaming grants

The provincial government has announced the recipients of this year’s provincial gaming grants and the Rossland is getting a small slice of the pie. 7000 organizations across the province will receive grants from the $120 million fund designed to foster talent and support events that celebrate local traditions and customs, ...

DOBBIN: Canadian politics needs a game-changer

 As we head into a new political season it looks depressingly like the old: a stand-off between the malignant minority government of Stephen Harper and the seriously diminished Liberal Party and its hapless leader Michael Ignatieff. Both these parties and their leaders are so off the mark in terms of what Canadians want and...

Alex Neve to speak in West Kootenay: A call for renewal of Canada's fading human rights leadership

Selkirk College and Amnesty International will be launching the fall Mir Centre for Peace Lecture Series with a passionate and important talk by Alex Neve, Secretary-General of Amnesty International Canada. His lecture, Protecting Human Rights: What’s Happening to Canada’s Voice, will focus on the concerns surrounding Canada’s fading human rights leadership and will put a […]

Electoral Officer’s Ruling MUST Be Challenged

The decision by B.C.’s “Acting” Chief Electoral Officer Craig James to stall the anti-HST petition until court cases are dealt with MUST be challenged in court. I believe he’s wrong; he made a mistake; he went far beyond his proper role in validating a petition. He has in effect destroyed B.C.’s democratic  petition legislation,...

A CLOSER LOOK: the questionable cost of America's spy games

By Stephen Engelberg, ProPublicaThere's nothing like a spy story to get the journalistic juices flowing. They have all the elements. High stakes. Betrayal. And, if you're lucky, sexual intrigue. The true import of spy stories is more difficult for readers to weigh. The facts are invariably spooned out by intelligence agencies...