
Remediation website to go live within hours; water testing being expedited

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
July 30th, 2013

Executive Flight Centre spokesman Shael Gelfand said the website lemoncreekresponse.ca should be up an running within a couple of hours, and that samples taken from the waterway are being sent to a Burnaby lab, where the testing will be expedited.

“Crews are on the river right now, looking for hot spots,” he said, adding there are two booms being deployed throughout the water system, primarily on the Slocan River. “We’re just waiting with baited breath for the initial test results (from the lab) – we’ll send those immediately to the medical health officer.

“We’re working closely with all levels of B.C. government and taking direction from them,” he said..

“We want to apologize to all the residents for all the hardship this has caused,” he added. “There was no malice here, nobody was speeding or trying to take short cuts. It’s a long road and the incident just happened.

“The driver is very experienced, and nobody feels worse about this than he does – we’re all feeling terrible about this.”

The company is also providing potable water to surface-source users in the area at Winlaw and Crescent Valley fire halls.


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