BC's minimum wage begins its first stage rise
B.C.’s minimum wage has moved up for the first time in 10 years.
As of Sunday, the province’s base-line wage lifted from last place in Canada with the first of three 75-cents-perhour increases over the next year.
The impact of the change to $10.25 per hour by May 1, 2012 — and to $9.50 on Nov. 1 — from today’s $8 per hour rate isn’t yet known, although some analysts predict thousands of job losses across the province.
The final rate hike represents a 28 per cent increase over today’s level. The contentious $6 per hour training wage is being scrapped. But the overall 28 per cent increase could see restaurants choose to hire experienced workers, rather than someone new to the job market.
By the numbers
B.C.’s minimum wage of $8 per hour is increasing in stages: on Sunday, May 1, 2011, again on Nov. 1, 2011 and finally on May 1, 2012. The contentious training wage has been ended.
Some examples:
General minimum wage:
May 1, 2011: $8.75 per hour
Nov. 1, 2011: $9.50 per hour
May 1, 2012: $10.25 per hour
Liquor servers:
May 1, 2011: $8.50 per hour
Nov. 1, 2011: $8.75 per hour
May 1, 2012: $9.00 per hour
Live-in home support workers:
• per day or part-day worked
May 1, 2011: $87.50
Nov. 1, 2011: $95.00
May 1, 2012: $102.50
Live-in camp leaders:
* May 1, 2011: $70
* Nov. 1: 2011: $76
* May 1, 2012: $82
Resident caretakers:
May 1, 2011: for an apartment building with nine to 60 suites, $525 per month plus $21.05 for each suite. For an apartment building with more than 60 suites: $1,788.28 per month
Nov. 1, 2011: $570 per month plus $22.85 for each suite. More than 60 suites: $1941.56 month
May 1, 2012: $615 per month plus $24.65 for each suite. More than 60 suites: $2,094.84 month.
Farm workers:
Apples: $ 17.06/ bin
Apricots: $ 19.62/ 1/2 bin
Beans: $ 0.234/ pound
Blueberries: $ 0.396/ pound
Cherries: $ 0.224/ pound
Grapes: $ 18.13/ 1/2 bin
Peaches: $ 18.13/ 1/2 bin
Pears: $ 19.21/ bin
Raspberries: $ 0.357/ pound
Strawberries: $ 0.343/ pound
Daffodils: $0.137/ bunch
Source: Province of B.C.