
Banana flax crackers

Teralee Trommeshauser
By Teralee Trommeshauser
August 17th, 2011

A sweet, flaxy, crunchy cracker. Finally, right? You’re probably thinking it sounds pretty weird – and truthfully, when I first found the recipe I did too. But it seemed simple enough to try, so I did. They are AMAZING. These crackers satisfy both my sweet tooth and my crunchy cravings! They’re packed full of energy, protein, and deliciousness (3 of the most important ingredients in food, naturally). The original recipe is from the Sunny Raw Kitchen. (I modified it based on what I had in the kitchen, and my own tastes).

Another quick side note is that I like to use golden flax in these kinds of recipes. The flavour is way nicer.

Banana Flax Crackers

1/3 Cup each of :
Ground Flax, Sunflower & Sesame seeds
Soak in 2.5 Cups of Water for at least 2-3 hours (or overnight).

3-4 ripe bananas
1/8-1/4 Cup agave or honey, depending on tastes (optional)
2 tsp vanilla extract OR 1 vanilla bean (I love using vanilla beans, the flavour is amazing)
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 Tbsp Lemon juice

Process the above and the soaked seed mixture in a blender until fairly smooth. Add:

1/8-1/4 Cup Flax seeds
1/8-1/4 Cup Sesame seeds
1/4 Cup Sunflower seeds

Pulse until mixed in, but still fairly chunky.
Your mix should be not too runny, not too thick. If it’s too funny (err…or runny. Ok that was one typo I had to leave it), add some more ground flax (1/8 cup), let it sit for at least 10 minutes, and check to see if it has thickened up. If too thick, add enough water to make a spreadable batter (1 tbsp at a time).

Spread onto parchment paper lined dehydrator trays (or Teflex sheets), to desired thickness (think average cracker thickness). Dehydrate at 125 degrees F for approximately 4 hours, then reduce to 105 degrees & dehydrate for approximately 8 more hours (or overnight).

(OR forget them overnight at 125 degrees and then wake up in the morning feeling like an idiot)

Turn each cracker mix onto a cutting board, peel away the parchment, and cut  into cracker shapes. Put the crackers onto unlined mesh dehydrator trays and dehydrate for a further 4 hours+, depending on whether you want chewy or crispy. To test, remove a cracker & let sit in open air for a few minutes – decide if that is the hardness or chewiness you desire.

Allow crackers to cool at room temperature before storing. Store crackers in a tightly sealed container. The crackers will get crispier as they sit, and will keep well for about 2-3 weeks.

*Alternatively you could try this in a low temperature oven. I haven’t attempted this, but if you do post what did in the comments and your results! Remember the times will be significantly less, so keep an eye on them!

Categories: HealthSports
