
MP wants bottled water banned

Alex Atamanenko MP
By Alex Atamanenko MP
December 9th, 2011

Alex Atamanenko, MP, rose in the House of Commons Wednesday to introduce a petition on behalf of the BC/Yukon Region Canadian Catholic Development and Peace organization. Signed by 1,200 people from the Dioceses of Nelson and Victoria, the petition calls on the government to ban the purchase of bottled water in federal institutions wherever potable water is available. 

Atamanenko says the Government of Canada has purchased millions of dollars of bottled water over the past 10 years despite the fact that, in most cases, potable water is already supplied at great expense by municipalities. Only 20 per cent of these plastic water bottles are being recycled meaning that 80 per cent are sent to landfills. A good portion is being sent to poorer countries where the products were never consumed. After the costs there are the harmful environmental implications to be considered. 
 The province of Nova Scotia, along with many other Canadian cities, has already banned bottled water in their government buildings. Atamanenko believes it is time for the federal government to get on board this program and start leading by example.
According to Barry Nelson, regional development and peace organizer of this petition, the No To Bottled Water campaign that stretched across the country saw people in the tens of thousands agree to not use bottled water when potable water is available.
“This should show the federal government that it is time to join the rest of us and reduce their use of bottled water as well,” Nelson said.
“I support this worthwhile effort and would like to thank the Nelson Diocese folks for gathering over 1,200 names and for the glass water bottle I now use in my travels across the riding,” concluded Atamanenko. “I have also signed a commitment card that I will personally refrain from using bottled water whenever potable water is available.”

Categories: Politics


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