
First casualties of the BC Government Core Review

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
November 20th, 2013

The ministries in the BC Government — The Pacific Carbon Trust (Trust) andThe Provincial Capital Commission — Core Review Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines and Minister announced Tuesday.

Bennett, responsible for Core Review, provided a progress update announcing the first decisions of the Core Review process to ensure the best possible use of government resources and respect for the interests of taxpayers.

“The savings are modest, but we’re committed to continuing to find these types of efficiencies on behalf of taxpayers,” Bennett explained.

“We made a promise to control spending and ensure the best possible use of government resources, and the decisions announced today are the first steps in the right direction.”

Bennett said citizens expect government to manage every penny on their behalf to ensure programs are operating as efficiently and effectively as possible, and are focused on achieving government’s vision of a strong economy and secure tomorrow.

The following two decisions are based on this principle:

  • The Pacific Carbon Trust (Trust) was established in 2008 to help develop a carbon-offset business sector. With that goal accomplished, the Trust will be transitioned into government to achieve approximately $5.6 million in savings annually by 2015/16, while maintaining government’s commitment to climate leadership and a carbon-neutral public sector. The current Carbon Neutral Capital Program for K-12 has been successful and will be reviewed to see if there are affordable options for similar savings to be realized from capital investments in the health and post-secondary sectors.
  • The Provincial Capital Commission will be dissolved, as it was determined government can do the commission’s work directly, resulting in efficiencies and reducing administrative costs, saving taxpayers approximately $1 million annually. The commission’s Community Outreach Program will be maintained within government and all of its cultural and school outreach activities will continue.

These combined savings represent the first steps towards determining what government’s core responsibilities are and what programs can be delivered more effectively and at less cost to taxpayers.

“British Columbia remains committed to climate leadership and a carbon-neutral public sector,” said Mary Polak, Minister of Environment.

“The transition of our carbon-offsets program from the Pacific Carbon Trust to the Climate Action Secretariat is just the first step in increasing the effectiveness and value of the program. As the process unfolds over the next few months, more improvements will be made.”

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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