
Mayor offers thanks for storm-damage management

City of Castlegar
By City of Castlegar
July 3rd, 2015

Castlegar mayor Lawrence Chernoff is expressing gratitude in the aftermath of a significant storm Monday evening.

“On behalf of the Castlegar City Council and the residents of the City of Castlegar, I would like to thank our emergency responders, City workers and Castlegar residents for their efforts and hard work during the city’s recent extreme wind and rain event,” he said.

“Within 30 minutes of the start of the storm, our fire department received over 40 emergency calls from our residents. The intensity of the storm was shocking and a number of houses and vehicles were damaged by falling trees. In addition, our city’s electrical infrastructure was seriously damaged,” he added.

“We would like to especially thank Fortis for responding so decisively and quickly to the City’s needs.”

A press release issued by the city today said FortisBC had all of their local crews out immediately and then brought other field crews from the East Kootenay, Okanagan and from Vancouver to continue to put the city’s electrical infrastructure back in order. In total, Fortis BC had eight FortisBC crews and 13 contractor crews working around the clock. In addition, FortisBC had internal support from all departments at FortisBC. Employees from Fleet, Engineering, Dispatch, Warehousing and designers all worked on the ground in Castlegar and FortisBC kept their call centre open for extended hours.

“The city was very pleased with and grateful to FortisBC’s commitment to our community,” he said.

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