
Cops for Kids to come through Castlegar; Grand Forks

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
September 5th, 2015

25 riders and six support people from RCMP and supporting enforcement agencies within South East District, including Castlegar’s own Const. Ron George will embark on this year’s annual Cops for Kids Ride on Friday, Sept. 11. The 2015 Ride, presented by The Thomas Alan Budd Foundation, will take the team across the South Eastern corner of British Columbia, to raise awareness and essential funds for children in medical, physical or traumatic crisis.  

Over the 10-day journey, Cops for Kids riders will cycle into 18 different communities across South Eastern British Columbia, facing some challenging terrain and possible inclement weather conditions along the way.  The route includes the assent and decent of two mountains passes:  the Anarchist Mountain and Blueberry-Paulson. These encounters will remind each rider of the challenges that some children, our Ambassadors, face on a daily basis and it will serve to keep them focused to complete their journey to help better the lives of these children. 

As a part of the 2015 Cops for Kids Ride, our team will be arriving in Castlegar on Sept. 13 from Grand Forks at approximately 3:30 p.m. to Andre’s Electronics in Castlegar to do some community presentations to local children, and the opportunity to meet with local media and dignitaries. Following their presentations, the group will be graciously fed and hosted in our community by the Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Boston Pizza and the Super 8.

Cops for Kids are grateful for the generosity shown by all of our communities. “Our riders join us from across the region, and they’ve each raised a minimum of $2,000 through various fundraising efforts in their own community. During the ride, local community groups, restaurants, and hotels generously extend their hospitality to our team.  Saving on these costs allows us to put all of our efforts towards the children,” boasts Ride Captain Julio Krenz. “We are very honoured to be welcomed into each community with such open arms.”

“This is my first year with Cops for Kids, and I can’t wait to see the impact our donations are making in each community,” said Castlegar Cst. Ron George. “These children require medical equipment, mobility & learning aids that aren’t covered by government funding, and Cops for Kids is able to provide these crucial funds because of this event. It’s an honor for me to be able to help my own community and I can’t wait to arrive in Castlegar.”

Donations are gratefully accepted at any time. To follow the team along their journey or to make a donation please visit the website at www.copsforkids.org

Categories: General
