
The Incredible Journey of Boris — local dog survives 18 days in bush near Princeton

Bruce Fuhr
By Bruce Fuhr
October 23rd, 2015

Login Lynn, and his dog Boris are pretty much inseparable.

When he’s not working for Nelson Hydro, Lynn and his trusty companion, Boris are together.

However, it appeared the two friends may have parted ways for good when, during a 4-X-4 camping trip on the Whipsaw loop near Princeton in early October, Boris, spooked by a loud noise, got lost after running off into the forest.

“Boris got scared off by fire cracker,” Lynn explained when asked about that frightful day.

“He doesn’t like loud bangs,” Lynn adds.

“He’s generally at my side at all times, but got scared off this time because of the noise and ran off into the trees.

“He doesn’t see or hear very good anymore so when he took off he couldn’t find his way back to the camp.”

That’s when the three-week search began.

Lynn and his friends hunted frantically for Boris, spending a few extra days in the area.

However, Boris, the 12-year-old lab-boxer cross, was nowhere to be found.

Lynn returned to Nelson while his sister informed the Princeton Bylaw office, the SPCA and made posters that were emailed to the various organizations in the Princeton, Coalmont and Tulameen.

Sister Stephanie then took to Facebook, using social media to get the word out.

“I always hoped Boris was a survivor, but as time moved on your hopes diminish,” said Lynn.

“But we had a couple of reports of sightings, so I had to just keep on trying.”

Twice Lynn returned to the area after reports locals in the area had seen Boris.

The first time back to the scene, Lynn searched for four days.

But once again, there was no Boris.

A few days later, before Thanksgiving weekend, there was another report of a dog matching the description of Boris.

Back to search, Lynn experienced two blown tires and numerous other setbacks during three more days of searching, but again, no Boris.

Then, the Tuesday after Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Lynn received a phone call about a posting on a Princeton Facebook page that Boris had been seen again on the Monday.

Lynn was able to speak to the person, who was quick to provide additional information.

Lynn traveled back to Princeton to the exact area of Wells Lake, bringing his ATV to access the remote area.

When Lynn arrived he called and called and then noticed something moving in the bushes.

Believe it or not, it was Boris.

“At first he took off,” Lynn said of that eventful day when Boris and Login were reunited.

“He doesn’t see very good anymore and he stood back and waited.

“I snuck around me chased him some more and got up closer finally got my hands on him.

“Once I was holding him he was sure it was okay.”

It was a story for the any and all dog blogs.

Lynn said he found Boris, who was a little skinny but in good health, approximately 15 kilometers from where he was first lost.

And piecing together all of the reports, he believes Boris may have travel upwards of 100 kilometers during the 18-day period.

Lynn credits his sister Stephanie, and her tireless work working social media.

And what was the reaction when Boris got home to see the rest of the Lynn family?

“Everyone was happy and there were plenty of treats for (Boris),” Lynn explained.

“He’s never ate so good, and within a day I could see he was putting on weight.”

Definitely an amazing adventure, but for Boris, there’s no place like home.

Story originated in The Nelson Daily

This post was syndicated from https://thenelsondaily.com
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