
West Kootenay Labour Council holds National Day of Mourning ceremonies

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 28th, 2016

The West Kootenay Labour Council held its National Day of Mourning, or Workers’ Mourning Day, as scheduled in three locations in the region — Nelson, Castlegar and Trail.

Observed in Canada on 28 April every year, it commemorates workers who have been killed, injured or suffered illness due to workplace related hazards and incidents.

“Today, in British Columbia, we pause on the national Day of Mourning to honour those whose lives were tragically cut short or changed forever by injury in the workplace,” Minister Responsible for Labour Shirley Bond said in a media release.

“We remember and recognize them because they are our friends, our mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, daughters and sons – those who we will always hold near and dear to our hearts.

“We also gather to support the families, friends and colleagues whose lives have been permanently changed,” Bond added.

“No words can adequately capture the impact of this kind of loss on families, co-workers and communities. To the families, we want you to know we honour your loved ones. They are not forgotten.”

Workers’ Memorial Day was started in Sudbury, Ontario in 1984, and the Canadian Labour Congress officially declared it an annual day of remembrance in 1985 on April 28.

It has since grown to be observed in over 80 countries.

In December 1990, this day became a national observance with the passing of the Workers Mourning Day Act, so that on April 28, 1991, it was officially the National Day of Mourning for persons killed or injured in the workplace; making April 28, an official Workers’ Mourning Day.

“Injuries and deaths in the workplace continue to be a matter of important concern across Canada,” a release on the West Kootenay Labour Council website said.

“Many Canadians members work hard each day in an effort to minimize accidents and incidents. Risk is an inherent element of many jobs, and this is why safety is one of our core values.”

In 2001 the International Labour Organization first observed World Day for Safety and Health at Work on this day. Commemorating those who have been hurt or killed in the workplace shows respect for the fallen, while serving as a reminder of the importance of occupational health and safety.

The Canadian flag is flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on all federal government buildings, including on Parliament Hill. Workers and employees observe this day in various ways including lighting candles, donning ribbons and black armbands, and observing a moment of silence at 1100 hours.

The purpose of Day of Mourning is two fold- to remember and honour those lives lost or injured and to renew the commitment to improving health and safety in the workplace – to prevent further deaths, injuries and diseases from work.

Categories: General
