
Thieves targeting unlocked vehicles/homes in Warfield

Trail Champion
By Trail Champion
June 2nd, 2017

Unlocked vehicles are being targeted by thieves in Warfield, according to RCMP Cpl. Devon Reid.

“On June 2, Trail RCMP received 13 reports of theft from unoccupied motor vehicles in the Warfield area,” Reid said in a press release early Friday afternoon. “In each case, police were advised that the target vehicles had been left unlocked. The items stolen ranged from small amounts of money to personal electronics and tools.

“Also in the Warfield area, a truck was stolen from the carport of a residence. In this case, the home was left unlocked and the truck keys were left just inside the door, so the culprit(s) opened the door to the home, removed the keys and then drove away in the truck.”

Reid said police are actively investigating these occurrences and are following up on several leads at this time.

“If anyone has information related to these offences, they are encouraged to contact the Trail RCMP or Crimestoppers,” he added. “As a preventative measure, Trail RCMP would like to remind people to lock their vehicles and remove any valuable items from the vehicle before leaving the vehicle parked.”

Categories: CrimeGeneral
