
Yogathon for Mental Health this weekend at Complex

Castlegar Source
By Castlegar Source
April 17th, 2018

The organizers of Castlegar’s Second Annual Yogathon for Mental Health are ramping up for their event this Saturday, April 21 at the Castlegar Community Complex from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. There will be by-donation drop-in yoga classes suitable for all levels throughout the day with prizes to be won at every class.

This year the event is hoping to raise awareness and funds for the Motherwise Project, mental health support groups for new moms in Castlegar. The groups were piloted last year as part of a Shared Care – Perinatal Mental Health project and proved to have a strong impact on lowering experiences of postpartum depression and anxiety.

It has been a challenge to find a sustainable funding source for them to continue, so the groups have been put on hold to date. 

“When I first read statements about how much new mothers benefited from Motherwise, I knew the groups had to continue in our community,” said Leah Jackson, one of the event organizers.

“The fact that a lack of funding was standing in the way of continuing such an amazing program was really sad to hear. It motivated me and fellow volunteers to dedicate 100-per-cent of proceeds from this year’s yogathon to the Motherwise project – how could we not?

“We’ve been blown away at Castlegar’s generosity and support for the program to continue, shown through more than 25 businesses donating prizes and silent auction items, not to mention more than 10 yoga teachers volunteering their time to lead classes and all the interest from community members in the event via social media. I hope this motivates more sustainable funding sources to step up and consider allocating some of their budget to the groups. If multiple agencies agree to take on a piece of the funding, it should be feasible to make this program work.

“Again, how can we not when we’ve see such a positive outcome, there is research showing the return on investment is huge! It doesn’t just help the mothers, it impacts their children and entire families, our community as a whole.” 

For more information about the cause and the class schedule for the day is available at www.facebook.com/CastlegarYogathon. Help spread the word by telling coworkers, friends and family members!

Categories: Health


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