
Hidden hero project highlights goodness

By Contributor
May 23rd, 2018

Do you know a HIDDEN HERO? Someone who does good, for one or many?

Someone who hasn’t received much recognition for their kindness, their efforts, their successes?

Artist Claire Dibble, in collaboration with the Kootenay Gallery is seeking nominations for everyday heroes within the Castlegar and District community for a new portrait series, The Hidden Hero Project.

These heroes don’t have to be saving lives or stopping crime, they can be people who contribute in small ways everyday, with acts of kindness, with compassion, with creativity, with love.

Young or old, dear to you or a passing acquaintance, you’re welcome to nominate as many people as you wish, of any age or background. Take a moment to consider all the good folks you know in the area, and celebrate that goodness through nominations.

The full list of all nominees will be published online, and 25 people will be selected to be photographed and interviewed. The resulting portraits will be shown in an exhibition at Kootenay Gallery in summer 2019 with a public event to celebrate the nominees.

Make nominations before June 30 in one of the following ways:

  – Call Kootenay Gallery at 250 365 3337 (you can leave a message with your name, phone number, the name and number of the person you are nominating, as well as your reason for the nomination).

  – Fill out a form in person at Kootenay Gallery, the Library, the Rec Centre, or CoINS.

  – Tag or mention your nominee on Instagram with the hashtag #hiddenheroesofcastlegar

  – Tag your nominee in a post on our Facebook page (fb.me/hiddenheroproject).

  – Fill out the online form at hiddenheroproject.ca

For more details, visit hiddenheroproject.ca or contact the Kootenay Gallery by phone at 250 365 3337, by email at kootenaygallery@telus.net or drop in and see us at 120 Heritage Way, across from the airport, down the road from the Apple Guy.

Remember to get your nominations in by June 30 and look for the exhibition in the summer of 2019.

Categories: Arts and Culture


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