
Seth Rogen's Castlegar/Trail cannabis connection

Kyra Hoggan
By Kyra Hoggan
April 9th, 2019

What does famous actor/comedian Seth Rogen have to do with Castlegar and Trail?

Quite a bit, according to Dave Streloff, co-owner of The Higher Path cannabis stores in Castlegar and Trail.

“He (Rogen) has developed his own strain of cannabis – he’s quite a connoisseur,” Streloff said. “He’s really specific about everything he does – he spent five years developing a strain of cannabis called Houseplant. He was looking for an investor, and Canada’s Canopy Growth (Tweed) took him on.”

Streloff said part of the deal means Rogen retains complete control over quality – everything is grown in the parent company’s facility under Rogen’s supervision.

“He’s a B.C. boy, from Vancouver,” Streloff added. “He’s released his strain exclusively in B.C. until June, even though it’s grown in Ontario. At the time he released it, there were only 14 legal cannabis stores in B.C., so he was able to personally Facetime with all of us.”

Streloff said that was a high in and of itself.

“I mean, it’s Seth Rogen!” he said. “It was so fun.”

Streloff said they asked if Rogen would be coming out to visit his launch sites, but were unable to secure a commitment from the busy actor/writer/director/producer/comedian, who now lives in L.A.

“It would be pretty neat if he came here on a store tour,” said Streloff.

In the meantime, locals will soon be able to visit the Rogen Lounge at The Higher Path in Castlegar.

“(Rogen) is packaging everything with a ‘70s theme,” Streloff said. “He’s even licensing music, with an album for each new strain.

“So we’re going to try to mimic a 1970s rec-room feel right here in the store.”

The Houseplant currently sold only in B.C. is a Sativa strain of cannabis, although Rogen is also developing an Indica variety and a hybrid.


Categories: Business
